Yeah, I definitely don't want to write it off entirely.
The STOCK act passed 96-3, so while congress might not tend to be keen on regulating themselves, it's not completely allergic.
Interestingly, one of the 3 'no' votes on the STOCK act was later engaged in some of the fishiest trading I've seen around the start of COVID. Here's a visual I made on it:
Binding resolution allows for We the People to force the legislative body to enact legislation that they oppose. This is now cannibals become legal in Colorado. Unfortunately not all states have binding resolution nor are legislative body willing to empower the people. Binding resolution also needs to be bound at a Federal level, which it is not, to bring in true balance of power and laws that have true accountability. Such as all money gained through insider trading is forfeited along with possible jail time and possible loss ability to be a constitute representative.
If binding resolution was an available tool for We the People, legislative body would work move together than separately.
Yes, Congress is reluctant to specifically legislate against itself, so to make it happens a stink must be raised.