This is an idea that people keep coming up with that seems cool in theory but in practice doesn't really work.
Ignoring the question about security compared to a normal password manager, the biggest practical issues are
1) Once you need to handle password changes and special password requirements (length/containing or not containing symbols), you end up having a list of exceptions that's similar to a password vault anyway (once you're synchronizing an encryption key and list of exceptions you might as well just use a vault-based password manager like Pass)
2) You can't see what sites you have "stored" passwords for (since there are no stored passwords). This means it can be hard to determine whether you have an account on a given site, and if your key is compromised you may not be able to determine all the sites you need to change the passwords for.
3) The password is also tied to the domain, so without a list of stored passwords it can be extremely confusing if a company switches domains without you realizing it or remembering what the previous domain was. Ideally this shouldn't happen a lot but it's not as infrequent as you would think among companies that have multiple brands if they change their sso system or something. (I guess this would also break fido so maybe companies will stop doing it if fido really catches on.)
4) You can't store information other than passwords. This is really annoying on sites where you have to create usernames if you don't/can't use the same username everywhere. You can put this information in the exception file from 1 but the more information you put there the less point there is in using a "vaultless" password manager.
I did actually use a vaultless password manager for a period in the past, but based on that experience I concluded that the downsides hugely outweigh any advantages and would not recommend that anyone use them.
Yes, I wrote a tool for myself a few years back to do this, but abandoned it. 1 was especially problematic for me. To add to your list
5) You have a problem if you need to cycle a password for a site either due to some password rotating policy of theirs, or a security breach requiring a reset.
The config file about password requirements and password cycle number could be more semi-public, it's not a secret but you'd probably not have it on github either (no reason to let people know where you have accounts at; still, it's not a secret).
It also doesn’t seem to know about usernames. How do you create multiple passwords for a single domain? Does using something like username@domain.tld for the realm work?
In addition to these I also find, personally, that having multiple different accounts on the same domain is pretty common. If you go to the subdomain/FQDN level, it might be less common, but then you have the problems that (a) companies change their login subdomain even more often and (b)
With a vault, I can choose whether I want the URL to be matched to the base domain/public suffix, to the host/subdomain, to the whole path, etc., for each entry. And in fact I do have pretty much every option my manager (Bitwarden) offers in use (except maybe "regular expression"). Without a vault, you have to remember which option you chose, which means you effectively have to use the same method for every site (or at least for most sites, whatever you don't log in to often enough to remember).
It also causes problems for those companies which have "SSO" by using the same credentials across multiple different subsidiaries/affiliates on different domains - I'm thinking here about United Healthcare, who have sign-in at `` for insurance, and at `` for FSA, using the same set of credentials (and yes, obviously this is a terrible practice on their part, but you often don't have any real choice about using companies with these terrible practices).
And it also makes any integration/automation (i.e. at its most basic "press a hotkey to inject password keystrokes for the current selection") need, as you mention, a list of exceptions/mappings (or else to not work for any sites like these).
This is a lovely idea, but in practice, has multiple problems.
Firstly, if your password must be changed, maybe due to a data breach- you can't change it in your password manager.
Secondly, different sites have different requirements on passwords- length, the presence of certain characters, etc.
Thirdly, while low probability, it is possible to have such a system compromised, and then passwords could be derived. This is no worse than a password vault, but a password vault can be changed easily.
You could store a bit of metadata per password. Like an additional salt that you change every time you have to change the password, plus any requirements for generating it. Of course then it is using a kind of a vault.
Right but that metadata (like password rules) is pretty much public information so it doesn't matter if an attacker gets it so it doesn't have to be as secure as a "vault".
Once you're assuming 1) you trust your master password or encryption key to provide sufficient security to generate passwords based on the domain and 2) you have a file you're synchronizing that contains metadata for each site like passwords changes and usernames well, guess what?
Just go ahead and generate random passwords for each site, encrypt them with the master key, and store them in the metadata file! Since they're encrypted, the encrypted passwords are no longer more sensitive than the other metadata in the file and you just reinvented a normal password manager.
The biggest problem with password managers is that you become completely dependent on them (and therefore completely helpless without them) once you start using them. This scenario still allows you to remain decoupled from that dependency. You could print out a copy of your metadata to take with you on your trip to Europe without worrying that you'll be completely hosed if someone steals your phone/password manager.
> You could print out a copy of your metadata to take with you on your trip to Europe without worrying that you'll be completely hosed if someone steals your phone/password manager.
I can take a copy of my pwd vault with me. I'm using pass, so the vault is a directory of files encrypted with a private key, which itself is encrypted with a strong passphrase. Even if I do end up losing that copy; What are the chances that someone breaks todays encryption standards, and does so before I notice the loss and simply change all my passwords?
I implemented a personal tool based on the same principle. I decided having a config was worthwhile and then you could just add a "version number" to the salt. Having a config provides the vulnerability of listing what sites you use, but let's you add things like a per-website salt.
I would underestimate one critical advantage of your system: If the site changes their URL for some reason (depends on which components you use) you can just look up the old URL in your database. Without that, good luck figuring out that it was :)
It has a few drawbacks but also some advantages (namely that is way more convenient than a traditional PM and also doesn't actually store any passwords)
Without a complete read of the code (I wish they wrote up the protocol, not having one is a huge red flag, so instead I'll just risk being wrong on the internet), this seems like a straightforward KDF where instead of storing a master key in an HSM, you just remember your master passphrase and each new password is a diversification component.
Typically, a protocol like this would have the master key in a vault/hsm, and your first user key would be derived from that master, and you do derivations from that, and when you need a new identity, you derive a new user key from the vault key.
Concievably, we could replace the vault with hashes of just really long passphrases that you remember and generate on some trusted interface, and then derive new RP site passwords from the hash of each long passphrase. Mnemonic password storage essentially. What you would usually do is include a counter in the authN protocol, so each instance of the session password going over the wire has forward secrecy, but that requires your relying parties to speak that protocol, where the proposal here is just for password management.
I'm sure the people behind this are very competent and clever, but again, the problem it solves and how it solves it would be more useful than a command line UX and "trust us!" What I can't stand about security and some crypto people is they challenge people to reason about something without providing the objective details of a protocol, and then expect us to trust them when we can't reason about it as effectively. I'm merely ignorant, not stupid, and asking me to trust something because I can't reason about it borders on offensive sometimes.
Another good reason for a protocol is that there are limited places where you can run this cli. If I started using this and later needed to access a password from my phone, I would have a lot of hoops to jump through.
On second thought, maybe the fact that this only has a command line interface is a good indicator that it isn’t meant to be what I think of as a password manager.
I've skimmed through the source code, so I'll save y'all some time.
It's all based on a PRNG, which is based on an AES-256 in CTR mode (making it a stream cipher) seeded with a key generated by 4096 iterations of PBKDF2-SHA256. PRNG just decrypts a stream of zeroes with a KDF-generated key. All standard library algorithms, nothing custom.
To generate a password, it builds an alphabet, picks a random character from it by reading a byte from the PRNG. It is looping until it reads a byte is less than `255 - (255 % max)` where `max` is length of the alphabet, then returns `b / (255 / max)` where `b` is the byte from the RNG. Basically, dividing [0-254] range (255 is never accepted) into equal-length `max` pieces and figuring out where it falls. The generated password is checked for compliance (i.e. that randomness had produced a special character, etc.) and returned if it's good, otherwise it loops and tries to generate a password again. Given that RNG is fully deterministic, this produces consistent results.
I haven't bothered looking into keypair generation - I just woke up, sipping on my "morning" coffee as I'm typing this, so I'm kinda lazy.
Don't want to be too negative but that's a hilariously bad idea. Basically the security of the scheme relies entirely on the strength of the master password. If a third party every discovers that password it can derive all your credentials (current and future ones) from that single password and the applicable URL (which often can be figured out easily). And if you use a seed file with this as suggested in the README you can as well use a regular encrypted database, which at least allows you to upgrade passwords.
It's curious watching all these derived password solutions evolve. They all end up taking on state, or requiring laborious transitions, if either a derived or master secret is compromised. Then their sync-free guarantees fall away.
SQRL went through all these things in slow motion. Or at least that's how it felt listening to the "Security Now" podcast.
Note that the recommended operation for GoKey requires the use of a seed file. Instead of deriving passwords directly from the master password, it derives them from a file of random data that is decrypted by the master password.
While it's true that this seed file doesn't require the ongoing synchronization that a vault does, it's something that you need to have, and to manage with care.
> While it's true that this seed file doesn't require the ongoing synchronization that a vault does, it's something that you need to have, and to manage with care.
But even if it rarely changes, how would that file be synced in practice? Probably dropped in a Syncthing or Nextcloud folder. And if you do that, you may as well drop a Keepass file in there, and not have to deal with the many problems that this "vaultless" solution cause.
New seed phrases are typically 12-24 randomly generated words, not user provided... and when you need to "change a password" in a crypto wallet, you can generate a new private key and move funds.
Calling it vaultless when the recommended mode of operation is to use a seed file (effectively becoming your "vault") seems a bit misleading. While it can operate in a vaultless mode and derive passwords from your master password and site, even they don't recommend that because it's weak.
Ah, another one for my list, and this one from a big vendor like Cloudflare!
On my to-do list is a little project that takes many password "managers" like these, which are really just hash functions with an interface (called "vaultless" here), takes as second input a dump of password hashes that nobody has cracked yet, and goes to down the hashes list trying the usual password list but running it through these "managers"' algorithms first. I wonder how many people turn out to use weak passwords as their master key for this sort of thing. Maybe this is more clear:
foreach linkedin_hashlist as hash do
foreach brainpwdmgr_algorithms as algo do
foreach wordlist as word do
c = algo(pwd=word, site='')
if c == hash then
print(c, word)
If the --password input for these tools is guessable, an attacker can use this to retrieve the key that this tool will generate for any website. I can then go on and try likely usernames (I've already got one, presumably) on various sites with what I know is probably the correct password. A handful of failed logins per website don't attract attention, and I'm already virtually certain of the login credentials.
This "gokey" does have the option to add a seed file, which would make such an attack impossible if generated securely. How many people use that option is the question. In the readme the seed-file-less mode is labeled as the "simple mode", perhaps that sounds attractive to some readers that don't realize the danger of the simple mode (kind of sounds like "default mode", when you don't want fancy options, just a standard password vault?).
(If someone wants to steal this idea, feel free to pick it up of course; the actual work is in the execution as always.)
Whereas the README uses URLs as the realm string, the slides uses realm strings like "root-password" or "ssh-v2" to derive keys from a seed stored in a UEFI variable.
I think the idea is that you can administer all of your servers with one master password, while each server derives different passwords locally from its own seed. If a given seed is compromised, rederive the passwords from a new seed (or reprovision the server from scratch). If your master password is compromised ... well, try not to let that happen.
It doesn't even specify how many rounds of KDF are used in the readme. I really hope it's more than the default 4096. For reference, using KeepassXC, there's a "benchmark" button that finds the number of rounds for a 1 second delay and the number of rounds for my computer is in the 50000000 range.
It just takes one compromised password to start a dictionary based or other offline attack to brute force the master password which would then allow the attacker to regenerate other realms.
It even doesn't matter. Passwords should be regularly rotated and encouraging people to use this opens them up to bad practices since no one's going to rotate all their passwords at once, so they'll never do it.
Disagree. I'd even call required rotation a smell.
Requiring rotation leads to people coming up with passwords more frequently, meaning they'll likely choose weaker passwords. On top of that, regular rotation isn't necessary for passwords generated independently by a password manager.
The issue here is that there's no way to deal with revocation / password changes if a service is compromised.
I responded to that in the original comment. Whether or not a service requires rotation (bad practice), this tool won't work (can't handle compromised passwords).
I'm amazed you've literally never had to change a password; while there are plenty of sites that have never made me change my password, I find that I usually am made to change a password every month or two.
So if I understand correctly, based on the documentation, if someone has the master password and the login url, they can derive all passwords without any 2fa/verification? If so, that seems like a security flaw...
agree. from what understand, if 2 people happen to have the same master password, they would have the same passwords for ALL THEIR ACCOUNTS. pretty scary if you ask me
It’s weird to see this from Cloudflare. Is this someone’s promotion project? Usually the stuff they release is related to their product and platform in some way and you instantly understand the overarching narrative. This is… not that… rather just a neat idea that actually doesn't work in practice… It’s also pretty trivial. I don’t really understand why we need another CLI KDF implementation. This is probably a python one-liner.
Being able to specify a "super-secret-master-password" on the argument vector of the program when invoking it is a Really Bad Idea, since, at least for a brief window of time, all logged-in users on a UNIX-ish box will be able to see it in the clear in the process table...
Once you need to keep track of extra information like that in a google doc, how is that better or more convenient than just using a normal password manager with a vault?
It's free, you can print it out and tape it to your workstation, etc
The biggest problem with password managers is that you become completely dependent on them (and therefore completely helpless without them) once you start using them. This scenario still allows you to remain decoupled from that dependency.
If you use a vaultless password manager like GoKey you're also going to be "completely dependent on it" (and a printed copy of your list and a copy of your key if you're using a key rather than a master password) to log into anything. Why is that better than being "completely dependent" on another free password manager like Pass that's just a wrapper around gnupg and git?
In either case you're going to need a copy of the software itself and some sort of shared file with either a list of password changes/rules, the actual encrypted passwords, and a master password or key to log in to anything.
Once you've given up on being able to log into sites without having a specific program handy and synchronizing some sort of data, why not simply store the encrypted passwords in the data you're synchronizing?
I disagree. I use a vaultless password manager and I have the metadata for my most common accounts (Google, Amazon, etc) memorized so I am not completely dependent on the metadata file. The vaultless password manager can easily be downloaded anywhere, and could even be manually implemented if need be so I'm not completely helpless without my phone unlike my PM friends.
Modern hardware wallets already implement hierarchical determinism, and have for a few years. Extending that further to do private keys per site wouldn't work on most chains I know due to chain state...
It can't replace a normal password manager, but the idea has other applications and it's nice that they already included support deriving a public key pairs from a password and realm. Add a zero-knowledge password proof and you've got a useful building block.
If you find this interesting, you might like the same concept in JavaScript/Node.js written ~10 years ago and available in the browser as well:
I'm the author of the tool and thank you very much for all your comments so far. Let me address some points raised in the comments and put some context around the tool:
1) Why the tool was developed
The tool was actually developed for internal Cloudflare use. We use it to manage secrets and cryptographic keys on our stateless servers. The main problem it solves is how to make sure various cryptographic keys and credentials stay the same on an otherwise stateless server (which can be rebooted/wiped any time). We do use it exclusively with the "seed" mode.
It is just when we developed the tool, we saw it may be an alternative to a traditional password manager and follows the approach of some other existing "stateless" password managers, so decided to open source it. The main reason though we needed to develop our own tool instead of using an existing one is that we needed the ability not only to derive passwords from a seed, but also cryptographic keys (RSA, ECC, x25519). However, the tool does not intend to compete with existing established password managers.
For more details on how we use the tool internally check out my presentation from The presentation shows some nice secret rotation capabilities we get from using this approach.
2) "Vaultless" does not mean "stateless"
The tool actually somewhat explicitly calls itself "vaultless", but not "stateless" (unlike other similar password managers). After looking into similar solutions we do recognise that a fully stateless password manager would probably have a bad UX (because of all the points raised in the comments here and probably more). However, as some commenters rightfully noticed, managing state for this password manager would be somewhat different from managing a vault from a traditional password manager:
* you don't need "ongoing" seed replication unlike a traditional vault replication - in a multidevice scenario, if you add a password on one device, you would need to replicate vault to other devices after each new password added (before you can actually use the password on the other device). With this approach you would need to replicate the seed file once, and thus all your current (and future!) passwords will be automatically replicated
* if you do choose to store per account state (like password requirements, username etc) - this information is less critical from security point of view (but still critical from a privacy point of view). This file can still be encrypted with a key derived from the seed file though (before storing it on a public cloud for example). Also, if you lose access to your vault (your cloud provider suddenly has an outage) - you lose access to all your accounts. With this separate seed/account metadata approach - if you lose access to the metadata file, you can still reasonably get access to your accounts (although with a worse UX - as you would have to check the service password requirements, if any and remember your username). You would likely remember these for your often accessed (and critical) services, like primary email, bank account etc
3) Inconvenient UX
We do recognise that while we can talk about better UX by replicating a seed file or managing an account state/metadata file, the tool doesn't actually implement these. This is partially because of 1) (we don't need this at this point and we don't compete with password managers), however the code was structured in a way that it can be used as a library in other Go projects. Therefore, other user interfaces can be developed on top of it, which can also provide a GUI, seed replication and metadata management. Think of this code as a building block rather than a full-featured password manager and we would be happy to see more frontend applications developed based on it.
I have used a tool like this in the past. Vulnerable to bugs in input and output handling and this one looks like it is missing features to make it suitable for a daily driver to make it conform to restrictive password requirements unless I missed it scanning the readme.
Ignoring the question about security compared to a normal password manager, the biggest practical issues are
1) Once you need to handle password changes and special password requirements (length/containing or not containing symbols), you end up having a list of exceptions that's similar to a password vault anyway (once you're synchronizing an encryption key and list of exceptions you might as well just use a vault-based password manager like Pass)
2) You can't see what sites you have "stored" passwords for (since there are no stored passwords). This means it can be hard to determine whether you have an account on a given site, and if your key is compromised you may not be able to determine all the sites you need to change the passwords for.
3) The password is also tied to the domain, so without a list of stored passwords it can be extremely confusing if a company switches domains without you realizing it or remembering what the previous domain was. Ideally this shouldn't happen a lot but it's not as infrequent as you would think among companies that have multiple brands if they change their sso system or something. (I guess this would also break fido so maybe companies will stop doing it if fido really catches on.)
4) You can't store information other than passwords. This is really annoying on sites where you have to create usernames if you don't/can't use the same username everywhere. You can put this information in the exception file from 1 but the more information you put there the less point there is in using a "vaultless" password manager.
I did actually use a vaultless password manager for a period in the past, but based on that experience I concluded that the downsides hugely outweigh any advantages and would not recommend that anyone use them.