I can't believe people are looking at this from such a silly angle. It's obvious that no court can order you to buy something. That goes against the personal freedom we have in this country, and if a court tried it, it would be an easy appeal. But that misses the point, because nobody is going to order Elon to buy Twitter. What MIGHT happen is, a court declares "Congratulations! You already bought Twitter! It has nothing to do with us, we just interpreted the contract. Again, congrats on your purchase, don't go getting buyer's remorse now winky face"
What are you trying to assert is false about this viewpoint? Specific performance is actually a kind of legal remedy and it can in fact be ordered by a court. It might be one of the last tools in a judge's toolbox, but I don't think it's anywhere near a "silly angle" after a quick googling of "specific performance".