I met an almost billionaire once; I mentioned how a million dollars would cover me for the rest of my life and she followed with a 10 minute speech on how money is horrible and she can't sleep at night for their concern. I was moved but I confessed I'd still want that million dollars to fall out of the sky. It didn't feel like she "wanted more".
How did you meet her? Were you at a zen meditation retreat after retiring from remunerative employment?
On a semi-related note, one of the most predictive factors of stress in any primate societies is inequality, but one of the more surprising factors is that stress increases for everyone, even those at the top of the heap.
I used to ‘hang’ with a billionaire friend of the family and, maybe that might be dutch, he was incredibly frugal (drove a crappy old but not classic car, lived in a rather small house etc) and yea was obsessed with making more. He would ask me out for a coffee and ask to split the bill (or just pay his part and walk wait for me to pay my part) even though I usually just paid as I don’t like going dutch. He spent almost no money during his life. Guess that is all good for making fortunes.
You’re welcome.