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> I've met several JS developers who don't know that JSX gets transformed to JavaScript function calls after a build step -- they just assume it's part of how browsers work at this point. And that is mindblowing to me.

I believe you, and I've also met some like you described who came to our interviews indeed, but it's more like the failure of their mentors. I've also met back-end engineers, with a lot of experience, who couldn't write a simple HTTP service with C#, without using ASP.NET, nor open a simple DB connection without using EntityFramework APIs.

Understanding what's going on will be even harder if it's not your main field (back-end developer just trying to get front-end out of the way) and some magic there won't cause a lot of problems IMHO.

failure of their mentors? To an early point, but beyond that everyone who considers themselves a professional needs to sit down with a book or three and understand stuff. 'mentors' is a small excuse IMO.

I'm currently mentoring some junior devs and perhaps I was thinking about them when answering. You are absolutely correct on that.

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