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I was an active user until 2 years ago, when I quit my last enterprise software job. They had a cross platform (including embedded systems) enterprise video security system, a suite of applications all written in wxWidgets. They screamed, they were so fast. They had to be, for our enterprise clients. But those same clients had typical "give me candy" managers, and they complained about the ancient native interface. That company chose to ditch wxWidgets, put everything behind a server I wrote, and then hire some over priced web agency to make them a web interface they charged 4 times the expense of the development entire enterprise software suite.

Lunacy. Change looks like progress to some people. And doubly so if it looks like all web UIs these days - loads of padding, giant buttons, and really slow to load and render.

This is why it's so important to have managers which aren't stupid and have technical insight. Luxurious proposition, unfortunately.

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