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I think that google is losing sight of what made them popular to begin with.

[within reason] Every workshop on the planet has a hammer in it. This is because hammers are very simple, they never break, they never behave unexpectedly, they're highly useful, and they do exactly what they're supposed to do as perfectly as anybody can imagine. Hammers are the perfect tools; something that should have been idolized in Brave New World.

Google was a hammer for a long time. It wasn't even a question that google would be the default search engine for everybody who knew anything about anything. Google did search really well, behaved exactly as advertised, rarely broke.

It was perfect. It was a hammer.

It feels like google (overall, I don't just mean search) is losing their grasp on this.

Stuff like charts API. Maybe it's just me, but the new version of this is annoying. It's some javascripty nonsense that feels complicated. It's a laser-guided, nuclear-powered gryoscopically stabilized, diamond-tipped screwdriver that can also make coffee and fold your laundry. You could build a submarine with it.

But it's also got an instruction manual that is a foot thick.

The old api was just: <img src='https://charts.google.com/?cht=pie&chd=foo,bar,etc>;

or something similar.

And now I can't +term, they took away the links to "cached" versions of the pages, things autocomplete (incorrectly), it assumes I meant something that I didn't, it wants to integrate into a social network, etc. etc.

Google...you're starting to feel a little microsofty. Are you okay?

You can still use Image Charts: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/image/

The cached links are still there. They just got moved to the preview page. I assume not enough people used them for the amount of clutter they created in the SERPs.

thanks for mentioning the cache links, I thought they were gone and used the "Cache:URL" query. I don't like the preview pane, never paid any attention to it (actually, I think it's pretty stupid :-)...

I wish Google catered more to geeks.

I understand how Google indexes the web. Let me control my own queries. Give us geeks the ability to enable/disable freshness, even if it means appending &fresh=0 to the URL

They already give you tools all the way to an exact date range search! How much more control do you want.

I didn't realize it when I posted.

Here is Matt Cutts' explanation of the date options:


I still wish there a sort by date option, for when I'm trying to find the oldest occurrence of something...

In fact there is. You have to click on one of the other date options before it shows up. For instance, http://www.google.com/webhp?&ie=UTF-8#q=occupy+oakland&#... shows results from the last three days, sorted by date.

Huh, that's good to know. Unfortunately what I was looking for was a reverse sort by date...

It is a bit like small dogs shouting at the caravan, but if I had to express a concern about Google, it would be more about their new design, the replacement of default scrollbar, the autoloading of next images, etc.

The A players are getting old or bored, the B players are trickling in.

Or the PHBs are taking over.

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