Sometimes I wish shows like this would be open to doing other stories with the same settings and actors. Like, you already have all the resources, so why not remix them? This kind of thing could work really well for Fantasy stories - you already have the locations, costumes, practical FX, actors - it seems like the script (and the setups) are just about the easiest thing to change. Meanwhile all the rest, music, editing, lighting,'s already setup! Has anyone done this before? Is it a terrible idea?
The actors would need to learn the new characters and lines? That takes time they rehearse a lot. Or are you suggesting the same characters are used? But then you'd have yourself a regular series with different adventures each episode.
>The actors would need to learn the new characters and lines?
Yes. Or, maybe you could find a different set of actors with similar physical measurements to use the same costumes. If you were on a sound stage and could limit yourself to 12-hour sessions, you could theoretically shoot two completely different stories for only the cost of the second set of actors, directors, writers.