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This. Once one posits the abstract properties of God as infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, and a priori to all things, a lot of religious presumptions look like failures of the imagination. It is trivially obvious that God is unknowable, that any God one claims to know is 'another' God placed before the true God. It is literal hubris to experience certitude about the nature of God, and there is therefore no exemption from culpability through the name of God for injuries done to another.

I remember the question of if God is omnipotent, why does he allow such suffering. I believe this was explained away by God giving man free will. I'm not a big student, but I find theology interesting.

A good exercise I found was to imagine that you are God. How would you create the world differently?

Yes - I do this! I actually do it to reason to why the Universe is as it is. It helps me to see the groups universe systems as essentially recurring code. It helped lead to a belief as an eternal force rather than some ethereal figure in the sky.

It also led me down "scarey paths". Such as.... the most logical existences are "0, or plurality". One is therefore less likely than 0 or 2+. Thus, shouldn't no God's or many Gods be more likely than 1?

No earthquakes or volcano eruptions seems like a good place to start. In fact, natural disasters of any kind seem pretty useless, philosophically speaking. Just random and pointless misery.

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