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Depends on which part of South Africa you're referring to. Cape Town (Western Cape) had a much publicised drought 2015-2018 [1], but that's been broken. This drought was partial attributed to El Niño.

At the moment dams in the Eastern Cape are empty [2]. My mother's taps in Gqeberha are on a trickle only. No idea whether (El|La) Niñ[ao] is responsible here, but maladministration of available water has also been mentioned.

In summary, in ZA we look forward to La Niña, so this article is good news for us.

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Town_water_crisis

2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/06/19/south-africa...

Thanks, I remember the Cape Town drought with the semi regular mention of Day Zero in articles. I recently read about another Day Zero in the Nelson Mandela Bay region and thought it was a continuation of the earlier drought. I didn't realize the distance and climate differences. Good luck to your mother.

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