If you were willing to use out of tree patches, linux containers pre-date Solaris containers by years (Debian distributed pre-patched kernels pretty early on, so you didn't need to deal with compiling your own kernels, and Debian also had an option for vserver + grsec patched kernels). But, freebsd jails beats linux vserver by a year.
* not to be confused with the similarly named linux virtual server (LVS) load balancer.
If you were willing to use out of tree patches, linux containers pre-date Solaris containers by years (Debian distributed pre-patched kernels pretty early on, so you didn't need to deal with compiling your own kernels, and Debian also had an option for vserver + grsec patched kernels). But, freebsd jails beats linux vserver by a year.
* not to be confused with the similarly named linux virtual server (LVS) load balancer.