Thank you, I suspect that I had a chronic infection of some kind like that. I'm leaving out a lot of details about my experience, because it's private and I lost hope several times. I want to stress that my self-medication and self-diagnosis prolonged my suffering. So please if anyone is reading this, see a doctor. They can run these tests and many more:
Antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA)
Baylisascaris Procyonis intestinal roundworm
Epstein Barr virus
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency EPI
Find a medication that does what ashwaghanda does (like Wellbutrin?)
H. Pylori
Lactose intolerance
Lyme disease
Testosterone level
Thyroid level
Wheat sensitivity tests: 1) wheat allergy 2) celiac 3) non-celiac gluten sensitivity 4) non-celiac wheat sensitivity 5) non-celiac wheat intolerance
So half of those issues can be caused by candida overgrowth. If you get rid of the candida your body will reduce it’s heightened immune response and things like epstein barr and hashimotos will go away, testosterone will increase, etc.