network effects take time to develop. unfortunately it doesn't have a major company or foundation pushing it forward aggressively. That said, I'm hopeful. its defiantly the BEST platform for building anything websocket based. the killer apps for picking elixir will be anything requiring soft realtime.
case in point, I built my startup in elixir. completely agree on the difficulty in hiring but its not hard to teach. It was harder for me to find people who knew sql well. Unlike active record, ecto embraces sql so you have to know sql to use it.
anyways, its time will come. more and more companies are adopting it from discord to supabase to <cringe> trump media group.</cringe>
I've heard this time and time again but I just don't buy it. The only similarity between Ruby and Elixir is syntax and even there I'd say it's a superficial likeness. Beyond that Elixir and Ruby are almost diametrically opposite. Elixir is functional/immutable whereas Ruby is mutable/OOP. Languages such as Elixir and Clojure were designed to counter the OOP trend and its mindless disregard for mutation. So, anyone who is really into The Ruby Way is going to have to disrobe before entering the temple of Elixir.
Yes the syntax, but also many of the libraries and conventions are the same. The package management/build tool has a lot of similarity as well. When learning a new language, learning the standard library and the many conventions is a lot of the friction. With Ruby -> Elixir that is a lot less.
Also, I think you underestimate how many people (such as myself) who use Ruby in a very functional way already. Immutability is really not all that different. The only thing is you can't use ! methods and instead have to assign. For example instead of `array.sort!()` it's `array = array.sort()`. It's really not that hard, and in fact I found it easier because I didn't have to remember if `array.concat()` mutated or not.
IMHO the only "hard" things for a rubyist to learn are pattern matching and Actor model (OTP) concepts. Actor model concurrency is definitely different. But for an experienced programmer, that can be learned in a couple of hours (or less).
case in point, I built my startup in elixir. completely agree on the difficulty in hiring but its not hard to teach. It was harder for me to find people who knew sql well. Unlike active record, ecto embraces sql so you have to know sql to use it.
anyways, its time will come. more and more companies are adopting it from discord to supabase to <cringe> trump media group.</cringe>