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All your Bayes are belong to us: fun Bayes's Theorem problems. (allendowney.blogspot.com)
80 points by AllenDowney on Oct 27, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

This will help flesh out some of the concepts from the last units in the Stanford AI Class. I really learned I had a deficiency in Statistics after those videos.

The only thing missing from your post is this! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/18/Bay...

I must admit, it's been a couple of years since I've glanced at Bayes' theorem but this was an interesting refresher.

Fixed. Thanks!

I totally messed up on the Elvis one, I got .16 since I forgot that more than half of all twins are the same sex!

Tell me about it, Khan Academy helped a bit there but it's nice seeing this kind of stuff. Sometimes seeing it written out in text makes things click.

Thanks Allen Downey for the post.

Side note: I can't wait to see how the homework went. Machine Learning is pretty interesting so far.

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