I think they are dealing with the inherited culture of Craigslist. Craigslist was such a clusterfuck for so many years, and had such a monopoly, that it has essentially defined what it is to do individual-to-individual noncommercial online commerce. The low balling and the attitude of some posters stems from there, because everyone thinks “that’s just how you are supposed to act when you sell something online.”
For every seller doing things the old way, there’s a handful of people doing things the cordial and respectful way, putting an effort into it. It’s getting better. You do have to learn how to read the page, but I don’t see how they could fix that.
For every seller doing things the old way, there’s a handful of people doing things the cordial and respectful way, putting an effort into it. It’s getting better. You do have to learn how to read the page, but I don’t see how they could fix that.