I believe FB management saw the writing on the wall, multiple world governments were no longer going to allow them to sway elections/perception + kids never want to use what the 30/40 year olds use, it was a matter of time before FB became uncool.
Staring at this reality, instead of going down with the ship, the logical decision was to take their still enormous resources and pivot to the next big thing. Meta isnt it, and they probably know it, but its their best idea.
Im old enough where Ive seen HUGE things everyone on the Internet was using, die quickly; IRC(as the main internet chat), ICQ, MS Messenger, AOL, Napster, MySpace, Yahoo, Geocities.
I believe FB management saw the writing on the wall, multiple world governments were no longer going to allow them to sway elections/perception + kids never want to use what the 30/40 year olds use, it was a matter of time before FB became uncool.
Staring at this reality, instead of going down with the ship, the logical decision was to take their still enormous resources and pivot to the next big thing. Meta isnt it, and they probably know it, but its their best idea.
Im old enough where Ive seen HUGE things everyone on the Internet was using, die quickly; IRC(as the main internet chat), ICQ, MS Messenger, AOL, Napster, MySpace, Yahoo, Geocities.
Its FBs turn, IMO.