I see nowhere in the article where it says fixing these issues (which largely just amounts to updating the version of electron they use) would cause it to break most distros.
Please point me to where it says that, as far as I can tell you're just making up your entire comment.
You see, I already said to you that 'defining Linux support' is unfixable. That is my whole point and it is spans beyond this topic where this 'chronic inconsistency' can only be found in the Linux desktop ecosystem.
> I see nowhere in the article where it says fixing these issues (which largely just amounts to updating the version of electron they use) would cause it to break most distros.
If it doesn't affect their favourite distro, then they won't care to write such letters or reports and that won't be their problem. It is Discord's or largely any software maker's problem to define this Linux support (which everyone knows they cannot.)
And no just 'updating the version of electron they use' isn't just as straightforward as the author affected by this issue would want to believe; especially with the tons of Linux distros some users out there and its ecosystem of alternatives.
> Please point me to where it says that, as far as I can tell you're just making up your entire comment.
Creating a strawman to attempt to refute my whole evergreen point about the Linux Desktop's issue (which is beyond this article) isn't a good way to convince me otherwise, unless Discord is a simple hello world app. If that was the case, this letter would not need to be written.
Unfortunately, Discord is quite more than that and its seems they are very hesitant to offer updates that can break the app on Linux.
Please point me to where it says that, as far as I can tell you're just making up your entire comment.