I found several phishing crypto exchange sites that sent wallet recovery codes to a Telegram channel, currently having some fun spamming it :). Wonder if I should create a script that generates plausibly real wallet codes because it seems these scammers are getting these responses in a chat and are checking them by hand!
In the meantime, I'm using a modified command like so: `curl https://twitter.threatintel.rocks/ --silent | jq -r '.malicious_urls | .[]' | sort -u | grep -v …`
Are use of the api and the website two separate things?
I got banned for posting too hard or something, I'm not clear on the specifics, I'm probably just gonna stand up a domain or join mastadon rather than try to crowd into some musky space.
This is interesting. I worked on a threat intelligence platform at HP that shared the same same as a previous threat intelligence platform that ingested twitter a lot but was found to be useless and just a lot of noise.
Maybe for threat intel it wasn't very useful, but when I worked at McAfee 6-7 years ago, I've heavily used Twitter as a source of new sites for URL categorization (content-wise) - it was very useful to get trending stuff, etc., and proactively put classification into URL database
I built something similar 7 years ago. Once I started by crawling for hashtags, I learned soon enough that #backdoor was causing lots of FPs :) that I couldn’t verify at work
Am a fan of your work! Would it be useful if I throw these domains directly to URLScan? For retrieving the results I'll probably have to setup a proper DB and a workflow around parsing the Twitter content. Now, it's just a simple script.
Sure, I don't see why not, the worst thing that could happen is that the domain doesn't resolve or the webserver doesn't respond, but at least there will be a record of the domain having been scanned! Thanks for the kind words ;)