Chinese ⊂ Asian. I see no problem with the way it is worded.
The article also only speaks to a subset of the Chinese community, so there's nothing inherently more "wrong" about saying "Asian" than "Chinese". There are people in China that don't enjoy the things mentioned in the article. So it's a generalization either way. But that's okay. It's one perspective, if you read it as such I think it's a useful perspective to open people up, and the article doesn't say anything damaging, it just says what a certain group of people enjoy doing.
Sometimes I think people read into these words a bit too much. As an Asian myself I think often that political correctness is often overdone and that hinders the ability of the Asian and Asian-American communities to rise.
Nobody says anything when white people make stereotypes that only apply to American white people or Western Europeans. Nobody says they're "conflating Americans with white people" and how wrong that is. They just let the information flow and append to the discourse. You might see a eastern European white person chip in and say how they celebrate something differently.
Often I see in the Asian community that the response is to reject the article altogether, and I don't think that's helpful. If you have another different Asian perspective on what you enjoy doing on the weekends, write another blog post, please, and get it out there. Be constructive. More representation is always good. But complaining about one group sharing positive aspects of their culture just because they used the word "Asian" hurts the entire community more than it helps.
<<Script Kills>> can contain individual mini-games, which are sometimes discrete logic problems that can be cracked by computer programming. One example is as follows:
- There are 7 persons living in 7 houses that a in a horizontal line.
- Every house is in one of the 7 colors: red, green, white, yellow, blue, purple, black
- Each of the 7 persons has one occupation of: gardener, security guard, animal keeper, witch, house keeper, driver, cook
- Each of the 7 persons keeps one pet from: dog, bird, parrot, horse, hamster, fish, homing pigeon
- Each of the 7 persons has one of the following favorite drinks: tea, coffee, milk, mineral water, orange juice, red wine, beer
- Each of the 7 persons has one collectible of the following types: diamond, hats, oil paintings, necklaces, ruby, gold coins, or nothing at all
And you are given the following constraints:
1. The gardener is in the Red house
2. The green house is to the left of the white one
3. The one who collects diamonds keeps a bird as pet
4. The one living in the center house drink milk
22. The gardener is to the left of the one who keeps fish as pet.
In a <<script kill>> game the DM (Dungeon Master) would ask questions like the following, which are required for the game to progress:
※ Given the constraints above, who keeps a homing pigeon as pet?
The fun is to manually run the algorithm as a team that one might otherwise type on a computer to deduce the answer to the questions:
for ( ... iterate possible room color combinations )
check constraints
for ( ... iterate possible occupation combinations )
check constraints
for ( ... iterate possible pet combinations )
check constraints
for ( ... iterate possible favorite drink combinations )
check constraints
for ( ... iterate possible collectible combinations )
check constraints
if ok, print solution
The above was encountered when we went to a <<script kill>> game room not listed in the article above the other day. Upon returning we attempted to crack the above problem with a program which ran for 15s on a Ryzen 5600X PC and gave 48 solutions (For the particular problem above that would be `7! ^ 4 =~ 645241282560000` combinations, but the above algorithm would be enough)
So having multiple solutions may be actually a small bug in the particular game we're playing where the DM, who seemed to have assumed one answer already, gave us hints upon seeing us not being able to resolve this puzzle in maybe what seeming was a long time. I guess this will serve as a topic to start a chat with the DM with next time I enter that game room XD