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> How? What violent or dangerous actions have they taken?

I'm afraid I can only relate anecdotal observations, but my corner of the Midwest does sadly host an active Neo-Nazi population. A couple of my friends in the city where I live have been violently assaulted and injured by self-professed Neo-Nazis (and strangers) venturing here from rural counties looking for trouble to start.

Likewise, I have a couple times seen Stormfront host threads by individuals who disagreed strongly enough with (usually far-left leaning) political protests in this city to seek identification of the protesters in any photos, names, and where they live. Along with not terribly subtle threats of violent retribution.

I can certainly see recklessness in Wikileak's actions, especially revealing identities of covert agents, thereby endangering them.

I would hope at my least anecdotal observation above of Stormfront's connection to violent criminal behavior makes clear both organizations do indulge in recklessness, albeit in degrees being debated here.

I don't think Stormfront are nice guys, don't get me wrong, but hosting threads by people being vaguely threatening, or sharing an ideology but no affiliation with people who happen to have been violent, doesn't seem sufficient for a bank to block donations to them.

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