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Lessons learned as a software developer turned project manager (karimjedda.com)
145 points by ilovefood on May 26, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 97 comments

> You can't lead developers if you have no clue about developing. Sorry.

I’ve been both a developer and a development manager (and a few other things), and once upon a time I would have agreed wholeheartedly with this.

Then about 10 years ago I started working with the best PM I have ever known. He is absolutely not technical.

He is, however, a great listener, opionated about protecting people from burnout and dumb processes, honest to a fault, and able to speak candidly and openly to techs, devs, execs, and everything in between, switching language as he goes.

On one project we worked on, I had an advisory role and he ran the development sprints. He was amazing at understanding what the devs needed and managing the manager’s unrealistic expectations of how quickly things could be done.

He also put his foot down and insisted that everything flow through him, to be integrated into schedules based on, well, balancing everything else with business priorities.

It took a some time for the devs to trust him, and it took a lot of soft skill work on his part to gain that trust, but before long they realized their weeks were pretty evenly balanced.

The first big win was no more high priority interrupts from the manager, who had to work through him. That helped a lot.

He knows nothing about development, in the sense of having no idea how to do it.

He does know people and knows how understand what they need.

FWIW, YMMV. He’s a rare breed.

I also have similar experience with people in leadership roles.

My theory is that technical leads have a narrower distribution of quality, while not technical leads vary wildly, from crazy good to nuclear winter bad.

I'm watching Ted Lasso and it's uncanny how well this describes the titular character

> He also put his foot down and insisted that everything flow through him, to be integrated into schedules based on, well, balancing everything else with business priorities.

This is a mixed bag, it can be truly helpful or a political control structure. All the other personality traits are probably what makes it work.

"Senior developer " is the worst role you can have. You are the architect, manager of your devs, heat shield, meetings attender, and you still full time coding job. You get 2% annual raises for your trouble because you are salary capped.

I jumped ship to a tech lead job. Now I do what I always wanted which is to direct a team (dotted line) by scaffolding out the project using diagrams and shallow coding. Very few soul sucking status meetings. .Dream job and a nice 25% salary boost.

> "Senior developer " is the worst role .... I jumped ship to a tech lead job

At a lot of companies the description you gave for "senior developer" would be described as a tech lead. In many other companies neither example you gave would line up to their terminology. And every possibility in between.

There's not much uniformity in titles and descriptions of roles.

Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. I've been a tech lead at 3 different places and they've all been close to what he described. Being a just a senior developer was always far more relaxed.

Tech lead, to me, is a guy who orchestrates projects at a very technical level that includes some shallowing coding for proof of concept and helping developers when they get stuck.

A lot of companies mistake tech lead for "senior dev" or "dev manager" or some chimera of both.

You're describing the role of the tech lead or lead dev, not senior developer... at least not anywhere I've worked or known people who worked. Senior developers is the sweet spot where you get to do a nice bit of architecting and still mainly write code. It's as high as you can usually go in the tech tree without having to deal with the 'manager' stuff you mention.

Really sounds like that last job was just garbage and you moved on to someplace better. Had nothing to do with the position other than it wasn't the lead position you wanted.

I was promoted to senior engineer this year at my organization…

And what you’ve said is 100% true.

Yeah, what you just described as a senior engineer has been my experience as a tech lead. It's really organization dependent

That's also true. Most organizations don't have a real "tech lead" type of position just management and senior devs and the lines blur.

Senior developer is such a loaded term that I find it futile to draw any conclusions based on the job title alone. Depending on the shop it can mean anything from "literally not a novice" to "coordinates the architecture between several teams".

In fact I'd encourage to do the opposite, describe the job activities and then map them to whatever mental model you have about dev career ladder.

I'm a senior developer who doesn't want to be a tech lead. Kind of unsure about where any kind of progression lies.

It's ok to be happy staying there as long as you are OK with being salary capped. The salary wasn't even my biggest issue. My biggest issue was my title and compensation didn't match what I was actually doing day in and day out which was everything.

If I decide to slow things down as I get older I may go back to just straight coding. I love it.

Senior dev is not what you were doing, judging by your description of it.

Specialization and experience is pretty much it.

It's quite depressing to watch others progress beyond the menial tasks whilst i seem to be in stasis.

i read for about an hour every morning. reddit, hacker news, newsletters. Gives you great exposure to everything that's out there and what's changing. I highly recommend just picking simple function you need to write and work on that in the mornings. work on building isolated, modular code. I tend to write more functional / interface bases code than OO these days. Easier to reason about and maintain.

OP here, I can completely relate. I am changing jobs too for a similar role, hopefully :)

Best of luck. In the right company tech lead is a blast!

Grass is always greener. If you’re a team lead, you’re constantly in meetings and never using your creativity skills. If you’re just a coder, you have no say in the architecture. Optimal situation is just be a 1-person lifestyle startup

When I was a team lead, I rarely was in meetings. About 60% of my time was coding, the rest was reviewing others' work, giving direct technical guidance to team members, and answering questions from upper management. Typically upper management communicated asynchronously and didn't pull me into meetings on a daily basis.

An organization that has a team lead constantly in meetings is horribly mismanaged; and is looking for a talking head to boost someones' ego.

You have to be in a very functional organization to enjoy life as a tech lead . Otherwise you just end up a manager who knows how to code.

The team lead does have a little authority to go with the responsibility whereas the Senior Developer tends to be given things to be responsible for without any authority to do them. But I agree about endless meetings and very little joy of coding.

This really limits my desire to advance as a dev + keeps me leaving companies (as I never want to be the keeper of the expertise). I do not want to deal with meetings.

Wait, senior developer is paid the same as developer?

I don't remember saying that but I do remember saying I had capped as a senior developer.

True, especially in small company / startup ...

I think a project manager trying to run agile is almost a contradiction in terms.

Agile is usually a team practise which outsiders like a PM don't get a say in. The Product Owner feeds work in and stakeholders get to argue about the order of each item and that's all.

A retrospective allows the team to adjust their way of working to fit better to their situation and it is them that decide not some PM.

Standups are aimed at killing long status meetings and if they're not then something is wrong. The Ceremonies have a purpose and the overall purpose is to use the development resource that is available to do the things that most need to be done and not waste it on anything else.

To bring this back to the article - how can a project manager decide what is or isn't efficient for some team? How can they estimate anything when they are far from the details - no matter how much programming they did in the past?

> I think a project manager trying to run agile is almost a contradiction in terms.

I believe you can find that "contradiction in terms" at thousands of organizations these days. Probably more than are "running agile" without a "project manager".

I suggest that it's "agile in name only" because it was fashionable. The people at the top have probably bent it all back to waterfall because ... who knows - maybe it suits their style of thinking or makes them feel in control?

You described the point of view of an agile practitioner, leaning towards scrum. Could you contrast it with project manager's role? What's a project manager - a role eliminated by scrum - expected to do?

Presumably they become product managers or something like that and try to get a series of changes through various teams in a co-ordinated way that add up to some achievement or "project".

Their estimates have to be based on what teams predict and velocity and so on and on.

A project manager trying to run agile is the perfect justification for micromanagement.

This resonated with me in so many ways. I frequently use the “garden” analogy and I think developing software efficiently in small teams is absolutely crucial. Society wastes so much time, effort and goodwill on unqualified software project (mis)management.

I have lost two important (to me) jobs because I refused to adopt stupid, inefficient processes handed down by non-technical “managers” who thought they knew how to manage developers better than I did, despite my 30 years of experience.

Reading this almost made me cry. If I could upvote this a thousand times then I would.

This was a great read indeed. I was sort of surprised at the direct attack on 'agile', especially when the author's recommendations at the end could practically have come straight out of agilemanifesto.org.

Seems like the Agile Industrial Complex has twisted the meaning of 'agile' in developers' minds completely out of what the manifesto's authors meant by now.

Right? I am pretty much fully onboard with the Agile Manifesto but in industry, “agile” has come to be synonymous with “scrum”. And scrum is terrible.

Seems to be the same story over and over. I am also a senior dev who was was taken in as tech lead which on day one turned in to scrum master but told to keep it light and develop at the same time. Then the team grew and the role became team lead, responsible for organising and team, time lines, deliverabes and recruitment, but I am not a project manager, we don't hire project managers, still need to code as well (fat chance). You get to hate it and start to envy the junior and mid level Devs.

This is exactly my experience. Senior management spent 2 years convinced that 1) we didn't need project managers, and 2) tech leads weren't just glorified project managers besides all of the evidence to the contrary. The messaging was 'we're working out the kinks - it shouldn't take that much time is our processes are being implemented correctly'. I bought in for about 3 months before it became pretty clear that coordinating stakeholders and balancing business and technical requirements was a full-time job. The role became a mess that burned out anyone in it

Are there any resources on how to move from developer to product X role?

I've realized I'm more interesting in creating solutions and ways to make them better than coding them, but the path to get from A to B seems muddied.

This was the reason I decided to write this article, I was in a similar position and had to improvise somehow. I didn't find many resources for people transitioning from developer to product/project manager roles. I think one pragmatic way to approach it is to find an opportunity within your organization to try it out without having too big of an impact at first. This way you can learn what works for your business. I really believe that product management is not a 100% transferable skill like programming would be, it's more dependent on who and what you are dealing with, hence the lack of general resources adapted to devs. There might be some general guidelines here and there, but in my many interviews this year, I found out that product management at company A can be totally different than at company B. I'd gladly read some resources if somebody answers your question better than me though!

This is seriously I've of the best articles on project management with dev teams. It highlights tons of the important things without sugarcoating how dynamic and next the whole process can be. I was a tech lead at my last job, and it became mostly project management in a hardcore scrum environment. I definitely stumbled transitioning between the roles. I'm gonna pick up your book recommendation too!

I'm not sure if there's a great overall guide for this since different employers will expect different things. But you'll make progress if you show interest in not just building, but refining the product as a developer, plus telling your manager that you're interested in product manager/designer/etc. If you can provide examples or observations about the product and its lifecycle, it can help take those conversations to something tangible

I don't have any resources but I can share a personal anecdote, as I've recently been offered a position as a product manager after having worked as a developer for a few years. A couple of product people I used to work with at another company reached out to me about the job based on how they've seen me handle my work. Here are some of the traits they noted as to why they thought I'd make a good fit:

- Rigorous questioning of product goals

- Ability to write clear and well-organized documentation

- Ability to effectively communicate technical concepts to non-technical persons

- Consistently following up with stakeholders

- General curiosity

I guess I've always had a tendency of viewing my role as a developer more holistically than others (i.e., not just being interested in coding, but ensuring that what I'm building is truly a good product from a business perspective, and helping to demystify the development process when speaking with non-developers).

But it would have been tough to break into this role without having proven myself to others who are already in my professional network, which is probably why the general advice is to try to move into the role somewhere you're already employed.

If your org has a software consultancy sales arm, you can make this shift by becoming a solutions architect. You'll get to work with sales and product to create solutions for prospective clients. A good product person will jump at the opportunity of a dedicated architect to help them with the tech portion of pitch decks.

Get a PMP certificate and start approaching companies

I didn't read the text, but I'm glad to see people switching to project management. I've been one myself for 16 years, until I found that it was a dying career or, at least, a career obfuscated by alternatives like "product owner", "customer success" or just by the fact teams are getting more and more self-managed. I've seen a consistent reduction of job openings for project managers. Some specific niche oriented job boards don't even have "project manager" as option to select in the opening creation form. So four years ago I left my last project management job to never look back nor forward, as there wasn't much to look at anyway.

Some companies seem to be glomming project management into the list of job responsibilities for the dev lead on the team. Oftentimes this results in a role where the dev lead is 1/4 project management (or scrum master), 1/4 engineer, 1/4 people manager, and 1/4 hiring manager. Say what you will about it, but I think the trend will continue as organizations try to cut costs with the coming economic downturn.

Noticed this to and it’s not great. The person is spread to thin and there’s a lot of different skills to do each role well.

The best project manager I had was a film producer moonlighting as a pm between films. The film producing experience, tight deadlines, tight budgets, scheduling, lots of cross functional teams, bringing them together at the right time etc really carried over well.

My theory is this happens for two reasons.

First reason, product managers at a company start getting pulled into a lot of client management stuff. They have less time to spend on the product itself and the resulting vacuum is often filled by the lead dev. The lead dev demonstrates they can fill the vacuum, so starts getting asked to fill other vacuums relating to management and hiring.

Second reason, management doesn’t have a clear image of what a “developer” role should look like in their company. E.g. at tiny startups a dev might be entirely responsible for a product and even help answer customer emails. (I’ve done that and I actually think it’s fine, as long as you and the rest of the company know that’s the deal.) At the extreme opposite end, a dev might have little autonomy and be practically writing the Python syntax version of tightly specified business logic. But most companies operate in the fuzzy middle and I think many struggle to define their concepts of dev / QA / product. In those companies, it’s easy for a dev to become someone who is officially “a developer” but with a bunch of semi-official hats.

I might have to add a third reason to my theory, now that you’ve reminded me about cost cutting.

management doesn’t have a clear image of what a “developer” role should look like in their company.

combined with

In those companies, it’s easy for a dev to become someone who is officially “a developer” but with a bunch of semi-official hats.

results in a similar story with Devops and it's younger brother, SRE. My job role officially changed from "Devops Engineer" to "Site Reliability Engineer" when I switched jobs two years ago and I'm lacking in finding ways of differentiating the two.

It's seemingly become the default response now on Devops communities when someone makes a thread saying "I want to get into Devops, what do you do?" that the job role means 'whatever the company wants it to mean', which is how we end up with Devops practitioners and teams getting turned into kitchen sinks for dealing with anything and everything the feature development groups aren't tasked with because of a severely unchallenged assumption that the dev team brings in revenue, while the operations people consume it.

An assumption that's never said outright-mind you, but the organization and delegation of work between the two domains of functional teams, IMO says it pretty loudly.

I don't see those responsibilities as being equally emphasized at a given point in a team's lifecycle.

Early on, the tech lead will be primarily an engineer and hiring manager: there's not enough people to really need a process yet, and so the tech lead lays the technical foundation while building up the team with the right people.

As the team grows, the tech lead will reduce their engineer responsibilities and start focusing on project management in order to deal with the complexities that come from a larger team.

Once the team is at a steady state, both in terms of people and process, the tech lead can focus on people management, primarily by training people to take over the other responsibilities.

I'm not saying there won't be periods where a tech lead is being stretched too far as the team transitions between these phases, but if the stretching persists for too long then something has gone wrong.

I don't believe this is strictly a cost-cutting measure. I think companies are realizing subconsciously that people who can do this are worth their weight in gold (although I might be biased as one of them) because they can put together the whole picture of software development. You can certainly achieve the same effect with a well-functioning team, but that's harder to manufacture than hiring one person who can put the whole thing together in their head. Of course the tradeoff is what you said: these people get burnt out if not carefully managed and they are probably less optimal than they could be performing any one of those roles in isolation. But the value of getting a synthesis across those functions and moving a project in the right direction is extremely valuable.

The problem with that setup is that such one person is super rarely actually keeping all those roles in their head. At least one of those roles suffers a lot, usually more of them.

If someone's that skilled, you might be able to double up on slower remote jobs and collect two salaries instead of getting one position with the demands of two jobs but with the salary of 1x to 1.9x of a slower job.

There seems to be diminishing returns for salary increases with responsibility increases.

When I was a dev lead I split my time between (1) high level sizing business needs to develop a roadmap, (2) architecting solutions, and (3) enabling/QC on more junior devs. That felt pretty right to me. I agree adding on PM tasks to that is too much. Generally why we had something like a PM to do that.

Last couple jobs had Engineering Managers to do (1) and generally manage the team. The problem is that EMs don't really know anything about anything. Maybe at one point they were a developer and knew stuff. But since they're not in the code every day they don't know the reality of the code base and their general programming skills decay. Effectively they become a relayer of messages between the dev team and the business with lots of information being lost along the way. I much preferred the previous way.

Many times non-technical project managers were useless. Just overpaid glorified secretaries trying to take meeting notes, often losing valuable information in translation.

It made sense to rebrand to other job titles so as not to attract the same wrong people full of certifications which were irrelevant to software dev.

In the end I can see it being named project management again, but only after the wrong crowd is weeded out.

> Many times non-technical project managers were useless. Just overpaid glorified secretaries trying to take meeting notes, often losing valuable information in translation.

I'll also point out that this stereotype is widely accepted by engineers, so even if you are a former engineer and do have the technical chops, many engineering teams out there will treat you like a secretary anyway and disregard your technical judgment. I'm a project manager but have been coding for longer than a lot of engineers I work with have been alive. I've seen the spectrum of engineers from great collaborators who treat you as a [technical and professional] equal, to arrogant assholes who treat you like you're their note-taker/janitor/servant.

For a concrete example, I remember a project manager arguing with a senior developer about what a particular wireless specification required, the project manager had a Bernie Sanders moment when she had to remind him, "I wrote the damn spec!"

I agree that project management is dying as a field, I think it is a natural reaction to the top-down command and control style of project management popular in the early 2000s in favor of more agile, self-orienting teams.

I do see a new flavor of project management coming back branded as technical program management, which is more a flexible position responsible for the large cross-functional projects while filling the gaps of a dev team via process development, facilitator, and/or scrum master. Usually, this role is only necessary for large orgs with multiple teams or highly regulated industries that require a lot of coordination.

What do you do now?

In general, I would consider this trend healthy. Managing your time and your priorities, communicating with stakeholders, etc. are all skills that all engineers should develop over time, even if just for their own personal work. At the team level, shared processes and priorities should be guided by a tech lead/engineering manager who has the incentives to keep process overhead to a minimum. Ideally, once a process has been put into place there should be very little for a dedicated project manager to do on a day-to-day basis.

Where project management skills shine most is when the work involves multiple teams and the "lowest common manager" is either too high up the org chart to be involved in the details or doesn't exist (because the coordination is between separate companies). This usually manifests as "customer success" or "technical program management" roles, though they could just as easily be called "project management".

What did you switch to?

Product manager.

As someone who has been in the industry long enough that I should know, but I always just call people PMs and never delved past that... what is the distinction between being a Project Manager and Product Manager?

It's pretty much in the difference between a project and a product: by most definitions, a project is a tool for change in an organization, and has a limited lifetime and a limited scope. A product, on the other hand, is a tool for performing some business function (either internally for staff or externally through sales), and its scope can be whatever the business needs.

Typically, a project manager has authority over resource allocation and resource planning, but must defer to the stakeholders for everything else (most importantly, for actual design/implementation decisions). A product manager has authority over the complete lifecycle of his product, including design, implementation and resource allocation.

Finally there's Program Manager... a 'program' being a continuously running project. Think, a government program for...

In companies that do product development, project managers are responsible for schedules/timelines/reporting. Product managers are responsible for what is the problem, what is to build. It's a massive difference. Good product managers are experts of the market, have vision for the company and product. Project managers focus more on bookkeeping.

The most relevant distinction between the two from the company's perspective, IMHO, is that the product manager is often seen as potential revenue generating agent, whereas the project manager is pure operational cost.

One would have to articulate a lot to make a point about a project manager being directly associated with sales/revenue etc. -- the top line. "Oh yeah, the project manager can increase customer satisfaction and then contribute to upselling, especially in companies focused on farming and not much on hunting customers!" -- I agree, but it's rare now.

I have found that product managers are more motivated towards sales and marketing of a product/solution, project managers are more logistical and keeping people informed.

Project manager:

- Reads Jira (or whatever) and moves things around (yes, they may also add things sometimes, but I'm drawing a general distinction).

- Gantt charts.

- Tracks project status, communicates it upward.

- May also do some communicating expectations downward.

- Translates blunt assessments of the project's progress into managerese.

- May have some responsibility for keeping development processes going, especially ones that involve lots of communication (think: Agile shit, or just project status meetings generally)

- Helps unblock process-related shit.

Product manager:

- Writes to Jira a lot.

- Does market research, or works closely with those who do.

- Guides the direction of the product (e.g. which feature do we tackle next, do we pivot).

- Works closely with key stakeholders (clients, product owners, domain experts) to determine that direction.

- Sells that direction to management and such.

- May have some significant sway on final decisions for e.g. design.

- May do quite a bit of business-model analysis.

My your account, a project manager is a plumber. Nice analogy.

It varies depending on company, type of product, etc. However, in my experience with mostly computer systems hardware, project managers were more internally focused and concerned with minutiae of schedules, resources, dependencies, etc. Whereas product managers interfaced with sales, customers, and--depending or the organization related groups like product marketing, marketing communications, etc.

But PM/PMM roles can vary a fair bit.

I talked to a 'pure' project manager for a big company, basically this guy went to a 2 hour project meeting then to his secretary got a new folder and into the next 2 hour project meeting. Basically ticking boxes related to gantt charts. This is the far end of project manager, a fully political position with not too much expertise in the specific project required.

Same here. Was project manager before now product manager and would never go back. As project manager I was only looking after budget and timelines and creating gantt charts for management. As a product manager I read market analysis, run customer research, talk to partner companies, run workshops, create a vision and discuss various potential solution with dev teams and others.

I think the role of project manager is dying for a good reason. Developers can organize themselves and it is more important to have that leading person motivating the dev teams with interesting problems while respecting them -> my approach. The rest is shared between product mamager, senior developers maybe some shared delivery lead resources or the engineering manager.

A quick informal poll for devs stuck with agile out there:

After scrum, do you:

1. Immediately get to work

2. Spend time going through recent communications

3. Walk away from the keyboard to decompress


3. Burn through my 15 minutes morning paid break to go make some breakfast or coffee and decompress.

The scrum is rarely a productive meeting, it is more of an outlet for the extroverts of the team to talk.

As an introvert, this tires me.

Often the people in question don't even take breaks themselves. I wish they would take their break to have that small talk so I could keep my break for a better time.

This seems generalized to all teams I've worked in across several companies.

I tend to wake up really early and get straight to work, so by the time scrum comes around, I've already gotten 3-4 hours in, but haven't yet eaten or showered, so that's what I do next.

Love the remote life! What would this look like if you were working in an office?

We put our standup after lunch if that's what you mean, because some developers are in the US and it's morning for them. It lets most of us get a quite peaceful morning of work in - somehow it spawns less meetings.

Afterwards there are usually meetings about issues raised in the standup or just others or just back to what we were doing.

Standups shouldn't be stressful and if they are it's a bad sign of the way the team is working. We should be able to say what's going on without feeling we'll get jumped on for it.

> After scrum

You mean the daily standup?

Scrum is a full process. There's no "after", no "before". It's a steady state.

(Anyway, I need to decompress almost all meetings I have, of any kind.)

Yeah... I meant standup but by the time I realized what I wrote, I couldn't go back and edit it.

Working in a IT project/consulting company it varies a lot depending on team members and client.

The agile manifesto is just about trying to add value through work, iterating on smaller chunks of work, iterating on your ways of working, semi-regularly spending some time with the team reviewing how things are working out, and adapt accordingly.

Scrum on the other hand is a framework of meetings, roles, rule, and a common language that help heavily process oriented companies/people dip their toes in. A first step if you will, then you iterate to make it your own. Unfortunately, some people "swallow the manual" and take it far too inflexibly. Or deity forbid some business transformation consultancy sells your upper-management the Scaled Agile Framework and its time to polish off the old CV.

So depending on where the particular project lies on a scale of understanding between those two: any and all of the above. Standup is not meant to be stressful, it's just meant to be a forum to raise issues, but some people insist on pulling teeth.


I am most productive before the stand up. The stand up really burns my energy.


> Agile is not efficient and doesn't scale

Truer words were never spoken.

i would argue it was never supposed to have scaled. businesses do need to scale engineering teams though, so its natural they tried to scale something that works at a team level.

> You can't lead developers if you have no clue about developing. Sorry.

Yessss. So many companies dont understand that. Every time I was a part of project that struggled it was due to terrible middle managers that did not understand anything and could not decide.

They often try to dispatch ALL their work to someone beside status meetings and forwarding emails.

Useless leeches. If you are this kind of Project Manager do everyone a favor and leave.

Team will most likely not even notice you are not there.

> You can't lead developers if you have no clue about developing. Sorry.

Laissez-Faire Leadership.

I've been on several massive teams where the project managers had no idea about the tech stack, but worked so well with the dev teams that they relied on the devs to give them input on tasks and proper expectations and allowed them the ability to have a stake in the game, not just sitting there taking directions from people who know nothing about their tech stack.

I think its disingenuous to say you can't lead developers without having an intimate knowledge of the tech stack they're using. I've worked on small teams and massive teams and in only a few cases ran into non-technical managers who thought they could strong arm developers into hasty releases and poorly coded prototypes. Most of the managers I've worked with who were not technical, went out of their way to build a more affable relationship with developers since they knew we were the key to the project's success.

I've had good software engineering managers who couldn't code anything beyond simple shell scripts.

It's possible to be a great developer manager without having been a developer yourself, but it's much harder and much less common.

In my experience, the managers who excel despite not having an engineering background usually get promoted through the ranks quickly, so you may not see them much anyway. Being able to effectively manage people without completely understanding their work is a valuable (and rare) skill.

Can you go into a little more detail about what they did that made them good?

in my experience, good managers of any kind will be there to push on issues that block me or help communicate/coordinate across the company whenever my work needs. Everything else should be hands off

"couldn't code anything beyond simple shell scripts" is very different from not being able to code at all.

Isn't the thing that non-technical managers lack, perspective? Like how long is it going to take and what is the LOE? You don't get that by being able to write a shell script. You don't always get it from being technical either.

I was in a technical role for 5 years before I started managing a team and I still lack perspective sometimes. I don't always see the big picture. I don't always understand the LOE on my asks. I try to be clear with my team that this is one of my limitations and to please call me out on it if I'm missing the mark, etc.

> You can't lead developers if you have no clue about developing. Sorry.

Out of curiousity would you say the same about product managers?

You need to know the product and if the product is software, you should be familiar with its quirks or can chat with developers at that level.

You don’t have to know how code works to know something about how it works. Ideally, you should be able to give directions to your QA person on how to get started interactively testing new features, etc.

Leading developers requires tech knowledge, leading product managers requires strong product knowledge as well as an understanding of what’s possible and what might not be possible, which one develops over time learning an app.

Might not align well with the above statements, but I recommend the following books for product folks:

INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love https://g.co/kgs/CxFues

EMPOWERED: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products https://g.co/kgs/2DhX7s

Product Roadmaps Relaunched: How to Set Direction While Embracing Uncertainty https://g.co/kgs/EthDBf

Product can contribute strong to the visible software while leaving the tech and implementation decisions to technical teams…

No. As long as the product manager is really an expert/specialist on the product. Understand the market, the user, some tech, usability, etc.

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