How does it compare with the FOSS Zotero? Linux users don't get DEVONthink so we need to make do with other resources. I have been trying to pick a reference system for my larger note-taking flow using
DEVONagent is capture. You give it criteria it will use that to decide what searches to run, collect the results, collate map of terms, and present the results for you to peruse. For instance, if you were to search for "Vorlon," you'd get back pages that have the word, but also ranked by other pages found that have the same vocabulary. It will give you a graph of the word and other commonly found words, like "Babylon", "Mimbari", etc. It a good way to explore stuff you don't know because it will show related concepts. It is very niche, but very powerful for what it is for.
Zotero does citations. It lets you track citations to resource sources, add relational information, and organize them. If you have every had to make research papers, having a citation tool very important. When I attended university, it was dirt easy to track and cite supporting material then export it as whatever citation format the teacher wanted. I had one teacher who very strictly wanted a particular version of citation, but it wasn't standard. I made a citation style just for her so I didn't have to remember the rule changes.