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Okay, I see what you mean with the clean hands analogy now. I've definitely seen people on social media for example using OCD as an exaggeration for completely normal, even positive things.

I agree it's not very useful to use labels for behaviors that are considered normal and don't have any negative cause or impact (whether that's anxiety or something else).

My understanding is that a good part of the diagnosis of many disorders, as per the DSM, is by looking at the impact they have on one's life. If someone is perfectly happy with what they're doing, it's certainly an important distinction that makes labeling them with X disorder somewhat less meaningful.

I think we focus too much on the "what you can see" and "how it impacts others" rather than "how does this feel to the person experiencing it" when we describe these things.

It really muddles the picture and distorts what's really important; the experience of anxiety/stress/irrationality/impulsivity/attention issues/ ... to the person feeling it.

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