He does mention port 65535 and calls it a "restricted port". Anyone have an idea why? Is it used/reserved for anything special? I have googled and that turns up only some trojans using the port...
syslog-conn 601/tcp Reliable Syslog Service
syslog-conn 601/udp Reliable Syslog Service
Really? QOTD is blocked? What big threat is there from quote of the day? Did some nerd just sit down and arbitrarily pick antiquated unix services and mark them as "unsafe?"
At first you might think "why should Chrome protect people who forget to firewall their intranet?" but the real problem browsers are defending against is some page doing a million <img src='>; against an internal service that doesn't handle it well. (Or worse, a POST.)
(PS: HN shows extra characters than what I typed in that HTML. Might be an XSS vulnerability in there.)
There was an attack last year on freenode which worked like this... javascript did an automatic POST to irc.freenode.net:6667 with form data that included IRC commands to spam channels etc.
Unfortunately at the time their ircd didn't care about the 'POST / HTTP headers', and lovingly accepted the spam.
I wrote a quick script to do port testing with the server.
This script should work with any system that has curl with some little modifications, but I've only tested it in fedora 15.
You can find it from codepad and the script will run over all ports if the port range has not been specified.
The first terminal argument will be the range start and second argument will be the range end.
For example: php port_test.php 1 24
will run the test on ports 1-24
For some time I've ran a box with PF forwarding all TCP ports to an SSH server. That plus a simple nmap connect scan has proved handy for countless annoying networks that try to block "common" ports, poorly configured captive portal networks, etc. It's amazing how many "restricted" networks allow TCP 1, 53, 1723, 8080, and a few others out to the open net.