Fundamentally, there should be no need for a "cloud identity".
I have a couple Yubikeys, for example, and I can treat them like keys to my house. Somewhat different, in that I cannot make a copy as directly, but that's honestly a good thing. I just have most of my applications set up to accept at least two of these keys, and I store one as backup generally along with a file-based key as backup somewhere secure.
This is essentially what the cloud services should have on your account to "re-enroll" you, just self-managed.
I want to get to the point where I can treat my physical keychain's USB/NFC (though, call me old school, I really like the direct physical connection) key much like a car key. Even automatically locking my laptop when I remove it (or get too far away).
Agree on fundamentals - after all that's how it works now, you don't need FAANG for this.
I do suspect that until it works "by default" for most users (without requiring any explicit configuration, backup or maintenance) then adoption will remain low.
> I do suspect that until it works "by default" for most users (without requiring any explicit configuration, backup or maintenance) then adoption will remain low.
That is exactly what these recent announcements from the big platforms have been about.
Yep. That's why I always hope for layers of standards. Lower level standards to enable higher level standards eventually all the way up to your gramps.
I have a couple Yubikeys, for example, and I can treat them like keys to my house. Somewhat different, in that I cannot make a copy as directly, but that's honestly a good thing. I just have most of my applications set up to accept at least two of these keys, and I store one as backup generally along with a file-based key as backup somewhere secure.
This is essentially what the cloud services should have on your account to "re-enroll" you, just self-managed.
I want to get to the point where I can treat my physical keychain's USB/NFC (though, call me old school, I really like the direct physical connection) key much like a car key. Even automatically locking my laptop when I remove it (or get too far away).