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Remembering Steve Jobs: A Million Tributes From Around The World (apple.com)
153 points by adeelarshad82 on Oct 19, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 23 comments

Friend from our weekly iOS meetup in SF did this tribute in BASIC for an apple II emulator... thought it was kind of cool.


Emulator is run in a java applet.

Thanks for posting my tribute to Steve!

If anyone's interested in the source: At a prompt, type CATALOG to see a list of files, LOAD FILENAME then LIST to view a program's source code. RUN to run it.

CTRL-S to pause. Reset button or CTRL-C to break out of a running program.

There's also an easter egg. :)

Good stuff Carl, it's been years (no decades) since I have seen a BASIC program.

I put all 5000 (the total amount available from the webservice at /stevejobs/messages/main.json) here: http://steve.rasterburn.org/

Poking around the source it seems they're pulling from a pool of 5000 messages. What a great response.

What's the hn=2 GET param for?

It is because that URL was already submitted after his passing with a short note from Apple. This is to submit a different story that has the same URL.

The original post (with many thoughtful comments): http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3078128

You can't submit a URL to HN twice - since the Steve Jobs tribute page had already been submitted, I'm assuming an arbitrary parameter was added to allow the URL to be reposted.

This page has already been submitted a few times (it's the same URL as his death announcement was posted on), so that needed to be added to get around the dupe-checker.

Poignant. Though it's hard to finish reading some of the longer messages before the stream moves down.

Looking through the source, there's code to pause the stream onhover, but it's turned off.

Considering Steve's Zen Buddhism, it strikes me as a poetic tribute; a silent reminder to let go.

"The meditator strives to be aware of the stream of thoughts, allowing them to arise and pass away without interference."


"Steve Jobs was the greatest and the smartest person alive on this planet." I kid you not.

CALL-151 - oh the memories

So try this - CTRL+C then type







Hm, I would have expected them to be minimally edited. Lots of misspellings, typos, and weird grammar. I know you want it to be authentic, but that doesn't preclude basic editing.

Editing a farewell message would be the most un-classy thing one could do. Authenticity is worth far more than any spell checked version in a case like this and I'm really happy that they didn't fall for that trap.

Think about it, if there had been no spelling errors or typos or grammar errors, the whole thing would not only have looked perfect, it would have looked perfectly faked. Real life isn't perfect.

Presumably, not all of the writers have English as their primary language. And that is part of the beauty.

Why is he getting downvoted? Are you supposed to downvote whenever you disagree with what somebody says?

I didn't down vote, but it's probably because commenting on peoples spelling/grammar adds nothing to the discussion of a memorial page.

I thought it was interesting that Apple, who is usually so finicky about things being just so, apparently didn't filter or edit this data set.

To me, it took away from the experience, and kind of muddled the emotion I expect Apple - and the original authors - were trying to convey. I think it would have resonated more with me if it was a little cleaned up.

But whatever.

> I thought it was interesting that Apple, who is usually so finicky about things being just so, apparently didn't filter or edit this data set.

I think it would be more accurate to say that Apple know when to be finicky. This, it seems, is a case of when not.

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