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> What's going to happen to everyone when there's a universal basic income and nothing to do but doomscroll... are they really going to become artists?

Why not just consume media all the time? That's what most of unemployed people are doing at the moment, they aren't creating art. Besides doomscrolling, there's infinite amount of tv series and video games to consume very cheaply. In a world of abundance, more expensive passive activities, like travel, visiting restaurants etc. will also be available. Hardly anyone has the tenacity to make art for art's sake.

Why the focus on art?

Raising your kids, growing, cooking and preserving healthy food, helping your parents, your neighbors and your community. Taking hike, exercise. Clean your house, prepare it for summer/winter. Maintain it.

All those things take time and energy. I outsource most of it and I would actually prefer to do it myself.

And that just what I can think of from the top of my head.

Tenacity to do it in the long haul, forever, is hard. It's something I deeply respect in people who manage it, and something I struggle with. But at least trying, or knowing you have the capacity to create something, or having the ambition to create something out of love (doesn't have to be art; could be rebuilding a V6, could be planting a garden), seems like a really important part of being human that you just can't get from consuming media. And there's no indication that people will do more of this if they have more free time. There's every indication they'll do less, and consuming media will be their only hobby.

What's the point of a species that just consumes media? I mean, I guess, what's the point for a species like ours of maintaining a huge group of individuals that act like a flock of birds or a school of fish? Assuming they aren't necessary for defense - i.e. as cannon fodder - and they're consuming resources. Evolutionarily speaking, what's the upshot of having a huge class of media consumers who produce nothing?

They are creating art, just mostly not the sort that requires a ton of skill. Someone is making all the meme posts, taking cute cat photos, uploading amateur writing, and so on.

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