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GitLab has documented how to still be a startup after IPO: https://about.gitlab.com/company/still-a-startup/

I think that’s a lovely page and some excellent sentiments in many areas.

However I feel that it’s important to accept reality and not attempt to redefine words.

A startup is literally defined as to “get something moving”, I would say at this point that gitlab is definitely in the realm of “in motion” and has a significant amount of inertia. It is not in the first stages of becoming a company, it is a relatively well-oiled, thought through and publicly traded company.

Obviously terms can be fuzzy, there may be no single event that defines gitlab as no longer being a startup and no particular point in time being the point of state alteration.

But gitlab as it exists today definitely does not meet my own personal and informal definition of startup, and I suspect that is true for many people.

I've been following this feature request for awhile now: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/32712

Look at how many different hands this had to pass through before anything got done. I don't think I've seen any startup survive working like that.

Oh and nothing is done yet, 5 months later. It's still in the "design phase".

So basically, how to continue to exploit your employees for maximum output even though technically people can chill out. Got it.

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