Learn Rust because it has things to teach. Learn C++ for what it has, too, and because it is the language work gets done in.
They are much more similar than different. Rust builds in prescribed solutions for what its designers have deemed the most pressing problems. C++ builds in more power for library designers to address what each considers the most pressing problems.
There is broad agreement on what are problems, but with different solutions. Both languages work. I personally find Rust unable to express what I want to write, but it is evident not everybody wants to write those things.
Knowing both will make you a better programmer in either.
Practically all of the highest-paid coding work is conducted in C++. That will be true for many years to come. More people pick up coding C++ professionally, in any given week, than the total paid to code Rust. That has been going on for years, and is accelerating: attendance at C++ conventions, and the number of them, is exploding.
Learn Rust because it has things to teach. Learn C++ for what it has, too, and because it is the language work gets done in.
They are much more similar than different. Rust builds in prescribed solutions for what its designers have deemed the most pressing problems. C++ builds in more power for library designers to address what each considers the most pressing problems.
There is broad agreement on what are problems, but with different solutions. Both languages work. I personally find Rust unable to express what I want to write, but it is evident not everybody wants to write those things.
Knowing both will make you a better programmer in either.
Practically all of the highest-paid coding work is conducted in C++. That will be true for many years to come. More people pick up coding C++ professionally, in any given week, than the total paid to code Rust. That has been going on for years, and is accelerating: attendance at C++ conventions, and the number of them, is exploding.
So, keep up with C++, and keep an eye on Rust.