This is neat, but you can do this offline by pasting links in a text document, separated by newlines, which is essentially an M3U playlist, and opening it with mpv+yt-dlp. Works cross-platform.
I really don't understand who are the people that solve all their computing needs with drag-n-dropping. I would just paste the URLs instead. Plus, currently the site can't be used on a phone, even though it vaguely has a phone-optimized design.
i’ve taken to doing all my youtube watching in brave browser. you can create playlists within the browser and on ios this gives you pip and background play.
Is there a reason why shortlinks don't seem to work? I've gotten into the habit of just clicking share and then copy than bothering to ctrl-c the url thanks to mobile and no links working threw me for a second.
I was looking into a solution to watch list of videos without having to login into the app and on desktop browser (specially when switching devices in watching sessions) and couldn’t find anything. Thank you for building this.
I tried this several months ago, I found a bug that sometimes when you get back the link, some items will missing or disrupted arrangement, no idea why. And later, I remembered its not working idea now