A colleague of mine brings the cryptic crossword to work and everyone tries to get at least one. The point is that right next to it is the horoscopes - and they are so obviously just full of nice platitudes that could apply to anyone.
The list of traits needed for a founder are very similar. Flexible - yeah sure that's me. Imaginative? Humble ? tick tick.
What makes a real founder? Dunno. But i doubt it's a priori qualities of that person. I would like to see a BC fund randomly assign money to citizens. See what realmempircal evidence tells us.
The list of traits needed for a founder are very similar. Flexible - yeah sure that's me. Imaginative? Humble ? tick tick.
What makes a real founder? Dunno. But i doubt it's a priori qualities of that person. I would like to see a BC fund randomly assign money to citizens. See what realmempircal evidence tells us.