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There is nothing wrong with BASIC or turtle graphics. Those would probably be awesome places to start at least for a few sessions. Google for online turtle graphics or basic or emulators.

The main thing is that he finds something that is interesting and approachable. Build up small achievements. Let him start with simple examples and then figure out how to change colors or the number of iterations in a loop. Don't rush too many things at once. Some things that seem simple like recursion may actually take a bit of time to grasp solidly. Encourage him to be patient and persistent and expect challenges like that.

Don't try to pile on too many things at once.

Dictating which language etc. is not going to help him learn programming.

He needs to be motivated by something and generating his own questions and Google searches.

If he is waiting for you to tell him what to do then your job is to train him to be a proactive learner. Help him find interesting mini projects. Start very simple. But keep trying to build gradually towards something he is really interested in (such as game programming etc.).

No reason it has to be one thing. If you want to hand hold it could be literally 100 different things to play with, show him a different thing every week based on his actual progression and interests.

Yep, BASIC with line numbers is underrated these days for beginning programming. Sure, it won’t get you far, but it helps to start without much abstraction and gradually build from there.

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