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Don't feel too bad, browser differences is probably the biggest pain point in modern webdev today.

Just put a "Best Viewed in Chrome" animated gif at the bottom to cover your butt!

HAHA...Love aLtErNaTiVe SoLuTiOnS!:v

For absolute best-practices, there should be an animated under construction gif above the 'best viewed in' gif. Also, make sure to specify a very specific version of chrome that is out of date by at least 1 major version. That will definitely inspire confidence that this is a highly professional product.

Cool site though, very fun example of what can be accomplished in a browser.

Under construction GIFs were deprecated in favor of the streamlined and better engineered dancing baby GIFs. There's a few stealth startups that are rumored to be developing dancing skeleton GIFs, but you didn't hear that from me. Get it in on the ground floor, it'll be a gold rush.

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