No, propositions are simply statements for which is it meaningful to assign a truth value. It might be possible to come up with a proposition that is associated with a non-measurable set, though I can't offhand think of an example. But remember: Bayesian probabilities are models of belief. Priors are peronsal. And so in order to assign a prior to a proposition, the statement of the proposition must have some referent in your personal ontology. You can't hold a belief about the truth value of a statement unless you know (or at least think you know) what that statement means. So unless a person has something in their ontology that corresponds to a non-measurable set (and I suspect most people don't) then that person cannot assign a Bayesian prior to a statement associated with a non-measurable set. But that's a limitation of that particular individual, not a limitation of Bayesian reasoning. For example: you cannot assign a Bayesian prior to the statement, "The frobnostication of any integer is even" because you don't know what a frobnostication is.
(Note that there are all kinds of ways that statements can fail to be propositions. For example, you can't assign a Bayesian prior to the statement: "All even integers are green" despite the fact that you know what all the words mean.)
(Note that there are all kinds of ways that statements can fail to be propositions. For example, you can't assign a Bayesian prior to the statement: "All even integers are green" despite the fact that you know what all the words mean.)