Unclear. We just got solar panels and are auditing all the energy users now. There were some resistive heaters running we didn’t know about that pushed an extra 500kWh before. I think we got it down to about 1600 kWh. I think with all the he mods we are doing we can get it down below 1000 kWh but it will take time and more efficiency improving.
I would suggest to get a smart electricity meter so you can see "live" power usage. I'm not familiar with resistive heaters, but it appears they are purely electrical, which means they are only 100% efficient. Heat pumps (you can use AC for heating) are >300% efficient.
For reference: my 2 person household uses less than 3000 kWh / year (gas heating and electrical cooking), so even 1000 kWh / month would be a lot imo.
The solar system provides a whole house real time meter so we should be able to track down usage easier. We’ll see. We have two teenagers and a larger house and workshop, so, quite a few variables to figure out. We are converting the whole house to heat pumps. These units are state of the art and hit 370% efficiency.