I recommend finding someone on craig's list to cook for you, so you don't have to worry about it. Time is at such a premium when you are trying to launch your own business, and if they're shopping for a family, they are probably better at bargain hunting and coupon clipping than you are.
I did just that, and I discuss it in this post. Wasn't sure if HN would appreciate it, so I haven't submitted it here:
I agree man, I enjoy cooking but it takes soo much time. So, for people still working a day-job, contracting your cooking is a great time saver. Fortunately, my gf is my life manager in the evening and takes care of me. :)
Pretty awesome. I thought it was especially cool how you took the time to diligently record your schedule for a month so you could figure out which tasks took the most time yet gave you no enjoyment. After that, it seemed like a no-brainer to outsource cooking, but without the data, it would have been hard to reach that conclusion.
I did just that, and I discuss it in this post. Wasn't sure if HN would appreciate it, so I haven't submitted it here: