WiFi-connected ESP32 draws about 140 mA. esp8266 will be similar. They are both 3.3V devices.
3.3 * 0.140 = 0.46
Your light bulb's esp8266 (or a similar chip, zigbee is 2.4 GHz as well) is fully powered.
With a switching power supply and proper light sleep you should see about 1/10 of that.
API reference: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp8266-rtos-sdk/en/late...
Sleep impact: https://github.com/chaeplin/esp8266_and_arduino/tree/master/...
WiFi-connected ESP32 draws about 140 mA. esp8266 will be similar. They are both 3.3V devices.
3.3 * 0.140 = 0.46
Your light bulb's esp8266 (or a similar chip, zigbee is 2.4 GHz as well) is fully powered.
With a switching power supply and proper light sleep you should see about 1/10 of that.
API reference: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp8266-rtos-sdk/en/late...
Sleep impact: https://github.com/chaeplin/esp8266_and_arduino/tree/master/...