I think you've hit the nail on the head. I'm happily using Windows now but used a Mac before and it took a long time for me to realise that my complaints about Windows largely boiled down to "it doesn't do things in the way that I'm used to".
With that said, whilst I do like macOS overall I always found it infuriating how on macOS applications could steal focus. Something I do appreciate on Windows is that focus stealing by and large isn't a thing.
> With that said, whilst I do like macOS overall I always found it infuriating how on macOS applications could steal focus. Something I do appreciate on Windows is that focus stealing by and large isn't a thing.
Interesting... I think the last time I used Windows everyone and their extended family stole focus all the time. But then I moved to Linux as my main desktop OS in like 1998... and to Mac OS in 2013.
> Something I do appreciate on Windows is that focus stealing by and large isn't a thing.
Until you need to run an app as Administrator, and then… everything disappears in favor of a blue screen (even on external monitors), with only a single confirmation modal remaining.
I’ve never understood why what is effectively ‘sudo’ needs to be a full-screen event.
With that said, whilst I do like macOS overall I always found it infuriating how on macOS applications could steal focus. Something I do appreciate on Windows is that focus stealing by and large isn't a thing.