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I wish I could find Kotlin as ruthlessly productive as Ruby, but... I'm having a hard time doing so. It's got nothing to do with the language itself - at work, I really enjoy Kotlin.

Here's where Ruby shines for me: when I'm whipping up a script, I can toss a `Bundler.setup(:default)` at the top of the script, `vim mything.rb`, `$> ruby mything.rb` (or `./mything.rb` if I hashbang at the top), and I'm off to the races.

With Kotlin, it feels like I need to set up a project in IntelliJ, `$> ./gradlew run`, wait 10 seconds for the whole thing to compile, and finally my thing is running.

Is there a streamlined way to run a Kotlin script without building a whole jar, from the command line? I know this is generally not as easy with compiled languages. The D programming language is a notable example that has a "D script" mode (hashbang with `rdmd`), which quickly compiles+runs in a single step.

kotlin has support for being run like a standalone script. I believe the convention is giving them the `.kts` extension.

Here is an example with a shebang https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlin-script-examples/blob/master...

Thank you! The syntax for specifying dependencies was the bit of the missing puzzle piece for me.

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