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Self-hosting is a very last-millennium form of wankage. Back then, a compiler was a pretty significant program, and compiler construction tools weren't mature.

Nowadays, self-hosting your compiler doesn't demonstrate much of anything. It takes a lot more than a compiler to prove anything meaningful about your language. Time spent on self-hosting is mostly just time wasted. It mainly suggests you were not really serious.

Make a front end for LLVM, and get on with things.

You are missing one subtle but important flaw in your dismissal: not self-hosting means that your compiler will only be developed by people willing to write C/C++ code, which has practical implications as well as taking away some of the punch from your effort to improve on the status quo.

Self-hosting will only distract you from any "effort to improve on the status quo". And, do you really want people working on your compiler who can't even cope with C++? (BTW: There is no such language as C/C++. Clang and Gcc are both coded in C++.)

Your new language desperately needs libraries that bring it up to a level of practical usefulness. A compiler front end is about the least-useful code you could write in it. Taking a long detour for that says something, but it is the wrong thing.

> do you really want people working on your compiler who can't even cope with C++?

That's the whole point of creating a new programming language.

If you are serious, you want the people working on your compiler to have been doing paid work, and to have demonstrated some capacity for abstract thought. Your language might not be meant for those people; Go and Java, famously, weren't, but demonstrated a language for "the rest" had a ready audience.

> Self-hosting is a very last-millennium form of wankage

You're reading way more into my comment than I wrote. I asked a question.

I'm not reading anything into it at all.

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