I generally floss after most meals and scrape the tongue along with the brushing (but do it after brushing). I use the mouthwash randomly (once a day), mostly when I have to meet people, and don't really consider it a part of my regular oral hygiene routine. Your recommendation sounds good but I don't like the idea of not rinsing my mouth immediately after brushing with the toothpaste - that will take some time to get used to! Thanks for sharing this.
It's arguably the most important step -- the fluoride has antibacterial effects and it's that phase post-brushing where the fluoride becomes fluorapatite and bonds to your teeth. Using toothpastes like Biomin which are really neutral in flavor makes it significantly easier, the hyper-flavoured menthol toothpastes on the shelf are much, much harder to bear. Neutrally flavoured toothpastes, especially after spitting out the excess, would leave a texture in your mouth similar to what you would experience after drinking a bit of milk or something, so nothing you'd really notice immediately and you'd completely forget about it after 30 seconds.