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Almost impressed at the cleverness of this all! Especially since, if it's done right, all parties see "business as usual" - and even if they DO suspect a scam, nobody has any incentive past a moral one to say anything.

Wait what? The person with the stolen credit card will report the fraudulent charge causing a chargeback for the seller - how is that “business as usual”? If the business is getting hit with chargebacks they sure as fuck have a financial motivation if not moral one to report it.

This relies on churn and hoping that a percentage of the fraudulent charges go unnoticed. But if it’s oversight then it’s not really that party “seeing” anything.

Someone noticing they are being scammed means that it's over anyways. What I'm saying is that, as the scam is happening, you are going to get at least 1 "legit" looking transaction where the cash is already in the scammer's hands. The person with the stolen credit card is often someone elderly or unable to notice major financial decisions, which makes them perfect marks for being scammed in the first place. What I'm saying is that, to all the parties involved except the scammer, there is no obvious signs that something fishy is going on.

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