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>I think Dunning Krueger makes intuitive sense.

If human cultures can be characterized as default arrogant or default humble then it stands to reason that arrogant cultures will have a DK effect, and in humble cultures you won't.

I think you have the common misconception about the DK effect, which is incorrectly summarised as "unskilled and unaware".

There is also the other end of the scale where "skilled and unaware" occurs: people under-assessing their skill (presumed that this is due to judging that most people also have similarly high skill levels).

I think your two "cultures" would shift the self-assessment line up or down on the graph (constant), but not affect the slope very much (multiplier). The line shape or line slope must change somewhat since values are limited (between 0 and 100).

Even people conditioned to be humble could have a strong motivation to believe something is true and overestimate their own knowledge/ability in order to stand on what they perceive as evidence. For example a person's depression, religious beliefs, or an over-emphasized belief in DK itself could be a possible reason they have an erroneously deflated opinion of themselves, and simultaneously employ inflated confidence in irrational arguments that demonstrate why they are almost completely worthless at their field. That's pretty much how depression is secretly prideful in a sense: over-estimating our own mental ability to assess our helplessness.

When I did some cognitive behaviour therapy, I un-learned things like "all or nothing thinking" and the expectation that I could accurately predict the outcome of any course of action by modeling future performance off of a past failure.

> I un-learned things like "all or nothing thinking" and the expectation that I could accurately predict the outcome of any course of action

Do you know any words, stereotypes, or clichés for this? Or even what the related mental disorder is called if it were to become debilitating? Or a specific word for the complete clustering of related signals?

I am guessing those issues plus there related issues (¿syndromic?) are common - but I don’t know where to group it in my own mind.

Individual layer:

It is closely associated with having a highly systematizing mind. People with ASD get drawn and pushed down a particular life history corridor. There are rewards of parental/teacher approval for high-performance in an area of profound interest, and a punishment in thef orm of peer bullying for low social skills. This conditions them to operate this way to avoid bullying and optimize for time seemingly well-spent with these impersonal systems. To justify one's own existence, there is this urge to live in a world where a narrowly focused mind is able to predictably produce an ideal world through expertise (all), and a tendency towards refusal to live outside of that, sometimes advancing into self destructive behaviour should that not be an available outcome (nothing). Getting ALL is not only about having things one wants, it is also about seeing the system work, and about identity, a sense of vindication.

Collective layer:

We see so much of it I think even among neurotypicals because we live in an extremely systematized world. Every single aspect of our world is seen by the "haves" of our society as a candidate for profitable separation through a digital layer. Anyone can end up metastasizing a systematizing mind. They just need to exhibit a hyper-focus on something impersonal and complex. As a global civilization, we have been doing this to ourselves and strapping others into it as much as we can. Mostly, only those living in rural parts of materially impoverished nations are spared this temptation.

Mental Symbolism layer:

It is symbolically speaking one entrance into a realm of mental death. With the devotion to lifeless systems the human is de-personalized, atomized, depressed, unrelational. They leave unfulfilled the inescapable truth of what it means to be human. To live your entire life this way is to betray your parents, ancestors, any friends or lovers you ever had, and anyone you could have helped.

Spiritual layer:

The pattern is quite literally satanic. The person has chosen to reign in this hell (both all and nothing), rather than serve in heaven (the humble, narrow middle path). The most powerful and beautiful of all created entities, with an astonishingly powerful mind, insisting on dwelling in a state of supreme perfection betrays the Father to become an engine of extinction.

Thank you. Your explanation is not what I expected, and I really appreciate it.

Since this is a tangent off of Dunning Kruger, I have to wonder - am I missing something important about this?

No. I was just curious, and seeking understanding. I have friends that have told me their detailed future plans with exact timeframes and no contingency. I have seen others struggle to rationalise unpredicted forcing events in their lives - especially negative emotions when other people do not act according to their plan.

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