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Versionista: Diff on Obama's Technology Policy (versionista.com)
16 points by muriithi on Sept 22, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

I'm much more interested in the web platform here (versionista) than I am the particular content being tracked - this looks like a great tool with a ton of uses.

He did not revise his technology positions. He made his webpage smaller and easier to read for the mainstream. Changing your site does not mean you changed your opinion.

Indeed. His detailed PDF is unchanged, just this summary page.

When did we start mirroring /.? This was on there earlier.

The most removed 3-word item was "Barack Obama will", and I suspect the most added item was "Barack and Biden will".

On top of that, some rephrasing and mixing up of issues to highlight the parts of his policy which McCain/Obama swing voters care for instead of what Hillary/Obama swing voters is just smart politics.

From what I can tell, there isn't a huge change in the actual content of the message.

It's been simplified and summarized, with a lot of the statistics removed, but the overall message remains intact. Also, the original document is available as a PDF at the bottom of the page, with full detail.

Most likely, they streamlined the page to provide a simpler reading experience for the non-technical voters. For the more tech-savvy voters who want details, they left the full white paper available.

Doh. Sorry, maxklein and lallysingh. Goes to show what happens when I take the dogs out in the middle of writing a comment. :P

warning... visiting the versionista site crashed my iphone

piss off with this stuff here

ScottW, what's with the violent rejection of this article? Was this article Political? Yes. Does it deal with 'hacker culture'? Yes. Should it be discussed? Certainly.

What's important to remember is that while we are hacking away at our latest Facebook App, politicians & lobbyists have been hacking away at our culture. Indeed the PATRIOT ACT was probably one of the greatest hacks against our Constitution whereby it greatly altered how some things functioned. These issues that Obama brings up will affect you, me and the next generation of hackers to emerge.

Don't encourage the apathy that has come to plague a generation of American's and at the very least don't be apathetic about the government that regulates the things that you care about because one day you may just get screwed over.

I apologize for the general assumptions I've made about your character but the character of your remark was disconcerting, maybe you could explain a little further in detail why we should be "piss[ing] off with this stuff here"?

what's with the violent rejection of this article?

Where's the article? I see no article.

Does it deal with 'hacker culture'?

On the basis that there is not "it", then the answer would have to be no. "It" doesn't deal with hacker culture because "it" exists not.

Should it be discussed?

See point above.

I would concur with ScottW on the basis that this is neither an article nor a point worth discussing, just a misleading headline with a link to an admittedly cool piece of technology.

Let's keep the brain-dead misleading "Hey, check out this cool link lolz" dumb-ass headlines to other sites, please. I check reddit regularly and have no need of that trash here.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_(publishing)

Article (publishing): An article is a stand-alone section of a larger written work. These nonfictional prose compositions appear in magazines, newspapers, academic journals, the internet, or any other type of publication.

Semantically speaking it may not be an article digested by some 'dude' at a 'desk' at a 'newspaper'. Nonetheless, it does reveal useful insight, particularly how Obama perceives the global economy and how to get ourselves aligned with it so that we stay #1 in the years to come (which means us hackers have jobs).

Regardless of that, you are right, the headline is misleading, so help the community, here's some advice on writing headlines: http://www.copyblogger.com/how-to-write-headlines-that-work/

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