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"Web scraping is legal" seems to be an overbroad interpretation - the Ninth Circuit is merely reaffirming a preliminary injunction in light of a recent and separate ruling by the Supreme Court. The opinion [1] only weighs the merits hiQ's request for injunctive relief, and doesn't say anything about the meatier topic of web scraping legality.

I think the real action will be the ruling of the district court.

[1] https://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2022/04/18/1...

Upon more digging [1], the district court trial is currently scheduled for Feb 27 2023. It'll take a while!

[1] https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cand.31...

First Thought: That headline seems wropng. People are probably gonna get burned just reading that.

Second Thought: I should really read the opinion before I make any comments.

Clicked through, skimmed around, looked for a link to the slip looking for the opinion link ... couldn't find it.

Thank you, sir.

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