It depends on your projects needs. I built a music visualizer in Unity, and have no idea how I would of done this in Unreal. It was a small project, and I'm already using it to make videos. My biggest issue with Unreal is how hard anything is outside of Blueprints. C++ is much harder than C#, for my project I both load audio files locally ( you select your own music to play), and download some from a server. I'm pretty sure this is impossible without writing code.
If Unreal allowed for Python scripting that would make it much more appealing. I've never worked on a big project in Unity, I'm not sure what issues arise then.
Again, it depends on your needs. I do think most people are better off learning to program with C# over using Blueprints. Ether way your going to need to invest a significant amount of time learning. If you learn C# you'll be able to easily get a job even if it's not in gaming( this is what I did, and it's worked very well for me). I'm not sure what job learning Blueprints will get you.
If Unreal allowed for Python scripting that would make it much more appealing. I've never worked on a big project in Unity, I'm not sure what issues arise then.
Again, it depends on your needs. I do think most people are better off learning to program with C# over using Blueprints. Ether way your going to need to invest a significant amount of time learning. If you learn C# you'll be able to easily get a job even if it's not in gaming( this is what I did, and it's worked very well for me). I'm not sure what job learning Blueprints will get you.
The visualizer: