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I remember the hype around VRML when it first became a thing. It really was the same kind of hype surrounding the metaverse today. Turns out that doing most things in virtual 3D space is less efficient than just presenting them in flat 2D. The false belief is that more dimensions = better. Now this belief has materialized again as Zuck’s new baby, and I’m confident it will find the same end.

There is a reason we are still using mouse and keyboard almost 60 years later (first prototype 1964!)


I was going to mention command lines and how they mimic teletypes printing on reels of paper, but you beat me to it by a couple hours.

Or was it because the equipment available at the time was large, bulky and unaffordable?

I find 3D much better when sim-racing in VR, for example. Games are more immersive, and even meetings in VR are less fatiguing than via video conference.

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