This is a great answer. At a small studio you'll absolutely see some LAMP servers being run in a corner of the office and some deploy pipelines that boil down to "FTP into the server and then copy and paste the files into the www directory."
That is much more common that people probably realize. I worked with maybe 60 or 70 different clients over my years freelancing and not one of them was using anything more complex than a basic shared hosting to host their sites. That’s just the reality for the vast majority of businesses.
Most businesses don’t need anything complex. It’s just basic sites and emails.
There's a ton of businesses with mail servers, ERP systems, workstations, industrial equipment, web sites, and hardware to support salespersons, events, and visitors.
Keeps me busy, and automating as much as I can, before I ride off into the sunset. Sometimes the shiny ring isn't what you need to chase.
There’s a ton of business that simply need basic websites and those still need to be developed by someone.