If countering blind denialism means conducting mathematics with regard for anything other than mathematics, then blind denialism it must be.
I think though this is falsely dichotomous, and hyperbolic, and that such assertions have only served to harm their respective political programs, not least of all by causing resistance to and embarrassment for them.
Set anything against mathematics, and mathematics must win.
The National Socialists rued dismissing general relativity as “Jewish Physics”, and the Marxist ideology was made to look ridiculous by the Soviet state’s support of Lysenkoism in opposition to “Bourgeois Biology”. When Stalin asked for a nuclear bomb, his scientists were explicitly denied the use of “Bourgeois Physics” (the very same theory the Nazis called “Jewish”). Ultimately, of course, the concession was made at the expense of the ideology.
There is just physics, there is just biology, and there is no racist or colonial mathematics — there is just better or worse mathematics, the determination of which is mathematics itself.
Set anything against mathematics, and mathematics must win.
The National Socialists rued dismissing general relativity as “Jewish Physics”, and the Marxist ideology was made to look ridiculous by the Soviet state’s support of Lysenkoism in opposition to “Bourgeois Biology”. When Stalin asked for a nuclear bomb, his scientists were explicitly denied the use of “Bourgeois Physics” (the very same theory the Nazis called “Jewish”). Ultimately, of course, the concession was made at the expense of the ideology.
There is just physics, there is just biology, and there is no racist or colonial mathematics — there is just better or worse mathematics, the determination of which is mathematics itself.