For a non-exhaustive survey (an exhaustive one would be very difficult because there's a lot of software, and methodology is complicated):
100% of Fortran in scipy is 77
ARPACK, ATLAS, LAPACK, ODEPACK, SLATEC, UMFPACK are all notable Fortran libraries that are still fortran77.
A search of github suggest that by repository, there are roughly, 150 f77, 450 f90, 180 f95, and less than 230 for fortran 2003, 2008 and 2018 combined (fortran 2018 is especially dire there are only 6 repos with over 10 stars). however, it's worth noting that github is a site is biased towards newer versions since it only became a relatively dominant platform in the past 10 years or so.
All in all, I think my initial statement is probably wrong by 1 version. The majority of Fortran appears to be f90 or older, and only about 1/5th of fortran code was written on a version of the language from this millennium.
While I do work for JuliaComputing, my posts on HackerNews in no way reflect the views of the company. I'm not sure why you think paying software engineers to bash languages would be an efficient use of resources.
The statement "I do work for JuliaComputing" (which I predicted solely based on your writing style, generic to all JuliaComputing payees) fully explains the nature of your comments and arguments.
Regarding your argument: Counting GitHub repositories is the silliest way of gauging a language growth or decline. The C++ language has nearly 7000 C++11 repositories, only 1600 C++14, far fewer C++20 repositories. According to your flawed logic, C++ is now on life support. A thorough knowledge of a topic is essential before commenting on it or criticizing it as an expert in a public forum. Learn about the minor and major standard releases.
50% of Fortran in numpy is 77
ARPACK, ATLAS, LAPACK, ODEPACK, SLATEC, UMFPACK are all notable Fortran libraries that are still fortran77.
A search of github suggest that by repository, there are roughly, 150 f77, 450 f90, 180 f95, and less than 230 for fortran 2003, 2008 and 2018 combined (fortran 2018 is especially dire there are only 6 repos with over 10 stars). however, it's worth noting that github is a site is biased towards newer versions since it only became a relatively dominant platform in the past 10 years or so.
All in all, I think my initial statement is probably wrong by 1 version. The majority of Fortran appears to be f90 or older, and only about 1/5th of fortran code was written on a version of the language from this millennium.
While I do work for JuliaComputing, my posts on HackerNews in no way reflect the views of the company. I'm not sure why you think paying software engineers to bash languages would be an efficient use of resources.